It’s not easy to decode a male’s or anyone’s intentions based just on his texting style and interaction.
But, what defines if he is playing games by not texting back, is his overall interaction with you.
You’ll know that a man that is playing games by not texting back when does that multiple times and gives you mixed signals.
One day he’s all over you but then disappears and doesn’t text you for days.
Here are 8 signs/different situations to understand if he’s playing games by not texting back:
1. He’s been inconsistent all the time
If a man isn’t texting you always back on time, isn’t a pure sign of him playing games.
He’s playing games if he’s maintaining sporadic communication with you.
- First of all, he doesn’t text back and rarely initiates conversations.
- He doesn’t text back most of the time but still keeps in contact with you.
- Sometimes he replies very fast and the other seconds he ignores your texts.
🔸Quick Recap: In general, even when he texts back, his responses are dull and he doesn’t prioritize communication with you.
He gives that cold shoulder from time to time just to keep you stringing.
2. He ignores your messages
Hmm, if he’s not texting you back but is always active and online on other media, this means that he’s ignoring you.
If he’s busy or has something important to do and likes you, then he’ll let you know in one way or another about this delay.
Hence, if he does this so you can chase him then he’ll do it from time to time and not constantly.
Yet, if he’s playing games by not texting back just to keep you around then he won’t apologize for these text messages.
🔸Quick Recap: Based on my experience with my ex-partner, he just won’t give any particular explanation for not texting you for more than 5 days.
3. He views your story and reacts to it but ignores your text messages
Giving you mixed signals by not texting back is a fundamental sign of him playing games.
If his way of interacting consists of only reacting to your stories but not texting back means that he’s just keeping his dating options open.
If you weren’t dating exclusively then he might just keep you as an option until he explores the dating world.
🔸Quick Recap: If he’s constantly not texting back, interacting barely with you, and just viewing your story that means he’s not interested.
4. He interacts with you when it’s convenient for him
If until now he communicated a few times a week but not he doesn’t text back and texts you when he wants, this means two things.
- 1. He is either trying to pull away from you or he’s playing mind games to confuse you and depend on him.
- 2. This is also a red flag that you should pay attention to before jumping into a relationship with him.
Because the red flags that you’re going to face at the beginning of the dating, are going to cause the end of your relationship.
🔸Quick Recap: If he never replies to your texts, or your conversations are dull, then he’s not interested in forming a relationship.
Also, reading the book The Little Black Book of Big Red Flags by Natasha Burton will help you to reflect differently and spot his red flag easily.
Try to write down how he behaves and how is impacting you.
Set your boundaries and reflect if he’s meeting your standards.
5. He interacts with others on other platforms but still keeps you waiting
You notice that he is online and posts or interacts with others but still doesn’t text you back.
The dating coach Suzanne Venker claims that while dating a man won’t always tell you how he feels.
So, there might be a hundred reasons why he is not interacting with you.
It might be because he is hurt by you, dealing with internal thoughts/feelings, or just not that into you.
🔸Quick Recap: Yet, if he’s making this just to play games, he might constantly post and communicate from time to time, just to keep you hooked.
So, to reflect on what is keeping you hooked on him and what is preventing you to communicate your needs, a relationship coach would help you.
6. You constantly feel uncertain when it comes to your relationship
If you’re feeling anxious and overwhelmed whenever he’s not texting back and you have an anxious attachment, isn’t something easy to deal with.
It can impact you negatively and impact you to think that he’s playing games or that he’s not into you.
Yet, if you’re confident, he’s inconsistent with his communication and you start to feel anxious, that’s when you know he’s playing mind games.
- He doesn’t text back but also cancels plans at the last minute;
- Most of the time he keeps ignoring your requests to talk about this issue;
🔸Quick Recap: Shortly to say, he’s manipulating your emotions and thoughts by not stating his intentions and giving mixed signals.
In this case, avoid criticizing him and accusing him. Instead, you can use positive language and be suggestive.
Instead of saying: “I hate how you make me feel” try saying “I would prefer if you would let me know when you’re busy.”
7. While chatting, he avoids answering important questions
You’ll know that he’s playing games by not texting back and not being involved in the conversations.
Most of the time your conversations might sound so generic but you might not notice since you might be operating more based on your feelings.
- If you ask him about his plans for the future after being together for months, he jokes and always avoids being vulnerable.
He might use this as a tactic to manipulate your feelings or dominate the relationship.
🔸Quick Recap: Still, this depends on his emotional intelligence and his personality.
8. The format of his texts makes you confusing
What can confirm that he’s playing games by not texting back is when he starts to change the format of his texts.
The way he texts confuses you because once he was love-bombing you and writing paragraphs, but now he doesn’t text back.
This can also be a sign that he might have lost interest in you or might he might be just busy.
🔸Quick Recap: Hence, what might help you to make a difference is defining for how long he has been not responding or responding differently.
If he is the jealous type then he’ll do that on purpose just to see your mood swings and check how you’ll react.
Keep in mind that not all guys do this and express their jealousy or feel the same way.
Hence, if he has low self-esteem or doesn’t know how to express his feelings, he’ll act this way.
Can a guy like you and not text back?
Yes, a guy can like you and not text you back.
This can mean a few things since he isn’t texting you back.
If he isn’t interested in you then he will avoid any type of interaction with you.
Yet, when he suddenly isn’t responding as quickly as he did or not texting back, he might be busy with work.
Also, he might be hurt or going through a rough time and dealing with internal distress. Try to check up on him and ask how he’s doing.
But, when he wants you to chase him and plays hard to get, he’ll play hot and cold. He’ll give you the needed attention and just text Hi and then disappear.
On top of it all, a guy that likes you but doesn’t like to text, might not text back.
He might also feel overwhelmed and doesn’t know what to text, but he still makes sure to hang out with you or interact with you.
What to do if he’s playing games and not texting you back?
If he’s playing games and not texting back, you need to prove your point and check if he’s playing games.
Because the signs that he isn’t interested in you can be quite the same as the signs that he’s playing games over text.
1. To avoid confusion, you should get to know more about his texting habits and pattern.
If his texting patterns have changed drastically then you’ll know that he might slowly be losing interest.
On the other hand, if you know his texting habits and patterns you won’t be confused if he rarely texts you back.
If he wants you then he’ll try to communicate differently with you. Maybe, he’ll give you a call or try to visit you more randomly.
2. Communicate your intentions and boundaries.
After you’ve noticed that he’s playing hot and cold, you can try to communicate this slightly to him.
You can use even humor or reminisce on any good memory that would break the tension.
“I guess my texts aren’t funny anymore because it seems like the butterflies in your stomach don’t jump anymore.”
3. Observe his behavior and keep track of it.
It’s not advisable to overthink and overanalyze everything.
Just try to make the difference between how he used to write texts or how long it took him to answer back.
4. Avoid triple texting.
Double texting is allowed when you want to just check on him and find the reason for his delayed answers.
In this case, keep the text simple, and don’t be afraid to just check up on him and ask what is he doing.
5. Yet, if he does this constantly and is pulling away from you then it’s better to give him space to process.
In the meantime, I know that’s hard to do but try to focus on yourself and cut contact with him for a bit.
To conclude it all: How to know if he’s playing games by not texting back?
You’ll know that he’s playing games by not texting back if he has a sudden change in his interaction with you and gives a lot of mixed signals.
He’s texting you less but doesn’t cut all communication with you.
It feels like he’s trying to send you a hidden message because all the pieces in this puzzle don’t fit.
Then it’s better to take a step back and give him some time to reflect but also let him initiate contact this time.
Lastly, beware that not all situations indicate that he’s only playing games by not texting back. He might be preoccupied with himself or outer circumstances.
Warm hugs,
Callisto Adams
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