In the grand scheme of things, there’s nothing quite as annoying as having to deal with an unwanted flirt. You’re just sitting there, thinking to yourself. “Here we go again.”—how should you respond this time? Be it an ex, a friend, or a complete stranger who thinks they’re a flirt master, we can’t help but […]
6 reliable online couples therapy platforms & the untold truth behind online couples counseling!
Whether you’re looking for pre-marriage, marriage, or relationship counseling – with the right therapist – couple counseling is worth it. The options for online couple counseling are countless, representing a challenge as much as it represents a quick pathway to efficacy and feasibility. Therapy can change your life and the flow of your relationship or […]
63 Stylish Ways to Ask a Guy if He Likes You via Text: 8 Awesome Tips
There’s nothing quite as exciting (and stressful) as not knowing whether your crush reciprocates your feelings! Men are usually the ones who are encouraged to make the first move, but who says it has to remain that way? If you have been talking to a guy for a while now and wondering where you two […]
What does it truly mean when a guy texts “haha” and “lol” a lot?
In the world of texting, we are met with a lot of abbreviations—some of them really confusing. And since you can’t tell what a person is thinking through text, it’s so frustrating having to decode their feelings. “Lol” and “haha” are most commonly used to indicate laughter. But people have started using them for other […]
13 surprising reasons why your boyfriend doesn’t text you much anymore!
If a partner as much as slightly changes their behavior, we immediately pick up on it and start overthinking. And that’s normal! If lately, you feel as if your partner doesn’t text as much anymore, you’re not alone—men are notorious for doing that. Why do they do that, though? And what can we do about […]
109 Texts to Make Him Feel Special – Lovely Messages
When we love somebody, we allow them to become our other half; whatever they feel, we feel it with them. Passion for him to this extent makes us want to scream at the top of our lungs about how special and important they are. But worry not! There’s no need to scream; we can tell […]