Finding a user on Tinder is a bit problematic, considering you can’t do it within the site itself! Hard as it may be, there are (thankfully) other methods that help us find people on Tinder—external methods. Phone numbers, for instance, are an excellent way to find someone on Tinder (among other methods). If you want […]
How to tell if your girlfriend is texting another guy? These 20 definite signs reveal it all!
Cheating is never okay, no matter in what form it is done. Cyber-cheating seems to have become every cheater’s favorite way, and I do not mean this as a compliment! In case you think your girlfriend is cheating over text, know that no matter how low-key she is, you can tell. – In case you’re […]
What does clingy mean in a relationship? Defining its dual meaning!
Being clingy in a relationship can mean a lot of things. Starting from wanting to cuddle and kiss more to controlling who you’re hanging out with. The level of clinginess depends on their personality, their attachment style, and the way they dealt with past trauma. Thus, what it might mean clingy to you it won’t […]
Is he trying to make me jealous? Explained in detail from a woman’s perspective
When a guy is trying to make you jealous, most of the time that comes as a result of his insecurity and lack of confidence. The signs are closely linked with the reasons he’s trying to make you jealous. If he’s trying to make you jealous then he will get out of his way to […]
What is Orbiting in Dating? Explaining plainly this pull & push technique!
When you hear about orbiting, you immediately associate it with someone or yourself going in circles. Or you might think of Planets, who knows. Well, the same idea applies to orbiting in dating. This means that your former girlfriend or boyfriend keeps breadcrumbing and cyber-stalking you. You keep going in circles and they keep pulling […]
22 ways to stop loving someone who doesn’t love you back: let go of unrequited love.
Loving somebody who doesn’t love you back is a terrible experience, to say the least—it happens to the best of us. It feels as if nothing else matters; the pain of unrequited love is an intense one. Whether it’s someone who simply sees us as a friend or a cheating ex, it’s time to move […]