This is the guy that keeps your mind occupied and it’s more than normal for you to want his mind to be occupied by thoughts of you as well!
Texting makes your connection interesting and, well, connected. But, how do you keep the spark continuous?
Mastering the texting game and texting a guy to keep him interested is about staying true to yourself, making the conversations fun, and taking it easy.
The texts you send to your homegirl won’t work for your man! So, what’s the best way to text a guy to keep him interested in actuality?!
Let’s explore together the 15 genius ways to keep him interested through text:
1. Avoid pretending to be someone else to impress him.
Texting a guy you like can make you go out of your way when attempting to impress him and keep him interested.
A crazy thing to do is change yourself and become someone entirely different just to impress him.
That won’t keep him engaged, and that’s not how you keep a guy interested over text!
Let him know what you like, what your hobbies are, what makes you go up and dance, and what your life motto is.
Don’t say you like something if you don’t like it. You’ll get tongue-tied if that topic comes along in an in-person conversation!
Keep it real, honest, and stay true to yourself!
2. Flirt with him.
If flirting is something you’re good at, then make good use of it! Seriously!
Flirting with him through text is another way to keep your text conversation interesting and, more importantly, to keep your guy interested.
You can flirt by sending him light compliments, teasing him a little bit, making jokes, sending gifs, and sending the right emoji at the right time.
For example, “What’s the deal with you? You must be made of sugar or something else super sweet. No, you can’t be human!”
If he is into flirting, it’ll keep your texting interesting, sexy, and fresh. It’ll make room for the conversation to flow naturally with chemistry and positive tension.
It’ll keep him interested and wanting more in your text conversation.
3. Use your humor to spice up the conversation.
A conversation that makes you laugh is one that makes you want to go back to the person you’ve had it with!
Sending a guy hilarious texts is yet another genius way to keep him engaged! Who doesn’t love a good sense of humor?!
Studies show that 90% of men see humor as a crucial quality in a potential partner.
That being said, one of the best ways to keep him interested over text is by keeping the conversation fun and flowing.
For example, “You’ve electrocuted me with your charm, writing from the death bed right now.”
You can use references from movies or shows you both enjoy watching, send him memes, and seize the opportunity to make a joke when you get one!
By doing so, you make yourself irresistible and keep him coming back for more every single time.
Over and above, beware of using sarcastic language. Some jokes and funny phrases can be misunderstood while texting.
4. Show him you’re honest, and that your mood doesn’t depend on him.
Studies have shown that honesty adds a lot to a person’s attractiveness. If you don’t like his opinions, disagree with him, then show him!
Avoid lying at all costs! If he says he likes basketball, but you don’t like basketball, then don’t say you do!
This shows you’re honest, but also, you enjoy your independence. It shows that you don’t really need his approval.
Another good way of showing him that your mood and self-worth don’t depend on him or his opinions is to not sit around and wait for his texts.
You’re not desperate for his attention and that is sexy and attractive and will keep him interested in the conversation and you!
5. Make sure he knows you’re fun to hang out with.
You have a life, you have activities you enjoy. Well, you might as well want to show it!
Doing fun things is a factor that can attract him to you and your personality.
Inherently, that makes him want to engage in more text conversations with you, thereby keeping him interested in your text conversations.
When you show him you’re fun, for example by sending him a picture of the painting you made, or the hike you went on, he’ll get curious.
He’ll ask more questions and you’ll keep him interested and wanting to know more from and about you.
6. Ask him the right questions about himself.
Keeping a man interested over text is easy when you’ve got the right list of questions to ask him!
Research shows that asking questions is a powerful way to bond, grow liking, and learn more about each other.
By asking him questions you show him you’re interested, but you also keep him engaged in the conversation.
For example, “What’s something very silly you believed in as a child?” is a great question to ask because it’s not a question you commonly hear.
This makes you an interesting person and someone he wants to talk more to. One of the reasons is that you make him talk about himself.
And one thing we know for sure is that everyone enjoys some minutes under the highlight!
He’ll come back for more, and those interesting questions, will, for sure, keep him interested in your text conversation!
7. Start talking about fun topics.
If your text conversation is boring, he’ll get bored too.
This, however, doesn’t mean that you have to carry the entire weight of it on your shoulders! But, you’ve got to play your part, right?
A genius way to keep a guy interested through text is also discussing fun and interesting topics together.
It makes the conversation less dull and more colorful by talking about interesting things such as
- Childhood;
- Weird or interesting experiences from the past;
- Fears;
- Decisions you wish you’d made;
- Things, activities, or people you love and adore;
- Places you’ve visited or would like to visit, etc.
8. A big no-no to badmouthing other people!
If you want him to be interested in you and your conversation through text, then give a big no-no to badmouthing other people!
A light self-roast is welcome to add funny notes to an embarrassing story, but it becomes ugly if you’re doing so about another person.
That makes the conversation less enticing and it paints you in a mean light.
Patricia Rossi, an etiquette coach, and consultant, says that gossiping makes you look ugly.
Badmouthing doesn’t contribute anything to the conversation, so you might as well avoid it if you want to keep this guy interested!
9. Ask for his opinion or help on something.
Another thing that keeps the text conversation interesting is making this guy feel special.
Ask for his opinion when needed, or if you need his help to guide you with something.
It will make him feel special and keep the text conversation going.
For example, if you’re trying to get a new computer and he knows about computers, ask his opinion on it!
If you have been talking for a while with this guy and you feel comfortable with him or now he is your boyfriend, text him to ask his advice!
10. Keep your texting positive and light.
Most people don’t like drama in their life.
Try keeping up with his rhythm of texting. Keep it simple and do not overload him with unnecessary information. Most importantly, avoid nagging!
If you want to keep a guy interested in you over text then you’ve got to keep the texting positive and light.
The more negative details you include, the less enticing the conversation becomes.
Sure, he would like to hear how your day went but then his interest dials down a notch the moment you mention how much you hate your colleague!
So, keep things light, positive, and fun. Remove the drama, nagging, and negativity!
11. Balance your replying time.
Creating an equilibrium of knowing when and how to reply helps in keeping the text conversation fresh and flowing!
If he doesn’t reply for days, then keep your distance until he replies and focus on what needs to be changed in your texting method.
Keep your silence and calm, that way you will give him space to take his time and reply.
Timing is a crucial part of texting, especially if you’re looking for ways to text to keep him hooked.
The right timing sends the right message.
Take your time but still, you don’t want to give him the idea that you’re not interested.
A lot of women think that if they take a lot of time to reply to a guy, it will arouse his curiosity. Hate to break it to you but it doesn’t work that way.
So, to keep a guy interested through text you need to keep the timing balanced, and more importantly, keep the games away!
12. Initiate texting.
Texting is like tango, it takes two for it to work. Initiating or ending the conversation should be kept in balance.
Keeping a balance in texting can be beneficial to keep him engaged and interested in the conversation.
It’s a way to let him know you’re interested and engaged in the connection with him as well.
It is okay if you are the one who initiates the conversation. But know when to lead it and when to pause. Know when to take your time.
If you are the only one initiating the conversation, it won’t be balanced.
He is a guy, he wants to take the lead but he won’t have the space to do it if you are doing this all the time.
13. Don’t text him out of boredom.
The one mistake you might make while texting is texting him when you feel bored.
If you text him while you are bored, the flow will lead you to a boring conversation.
It can get very dull and monotonous, and it’ll send the message that you’re not putting much effort into it.
Once you grab your phone, you should know why you are texting this guy.
Keeping someone interested over text is about keeping them engaged and giving them a reason to want to text you. Maintain healthy texting habits.
If you want to text him to let him know you are thinking of him, do it with style.
For example “Hey I heard [name of the song] and it reminded me of you!” is a great way to let him know you’ve been thinking about him.
To avoid dullness and frustration on both sides, you should have a prior reason to text.
14. Don’t aim for his attention.
Show him you’re independent, you’ve got a life, and you’d be inviting him to your fun party rather than begging him to bring the ‘fun’ to your party!
If you like this guy, it’s more than normal to want his attention. However, you don’t want to overdo it because you’re likely to come off as needy.
I love a confident woman who knows what she wants and knows exactly how to get it. BUT, aiming for his attention is likely to paint you in a desperate light.
Let the conversation flow naturally and see what it does to him!
Sure, you want his attention, but you don’t want that to be the main thing your thoughts revolve around.
15. Say no to double-texting!
When you text him and he does not reply immediately, avoid texting him every minute checking if he’s got your messages because he got your messages.
That can make you come across as needy and clingy even if you aren’t.
And if you’re trying to keep him interested, being needy and clingy won’t do the work!
Further in a connection, once you get more comfortable with one another, sure. Double or even triple texting can be ok.
But it’s a no-no if it’s the initial stages of dating!
16. Find the right time to end the text conversation.
To text a man and keep him interested is about understanding the timing, creating a bit of tension, and knowing when to end the text conversation.
Knowing how to end the conversation is just as important as knowing how to initiate it.
Know when the conversation is coming to an end and avoid dragging it when you feel it’s ‘dead’.
How to do it? End it with a positive comment on something that he was saying, compliment him, and let him know that now you need to do something else.
Something along the lines of “Unfortunately, I have to get back to work. But you won’t mind saving me from drowning in this paperwork later, right?” will keep him coming back every single time!
What to text a man to get him interested? Text examples to keep him interested you haven’t heard of!
We’ve gone through the guidelines of how to keep a guy interested through text. Though, now it’s time to face reality and text him for realsies!
An expert can be there for you right when you need them with the right expert advice for your situation!
What to text him to keep him interested? Seriously.
Here are some helpful examples of what to text a guy to keep him interested:
- *send a photo of an activity you just did* “This is what I’ve been dealing with all day long. Do you think I need help?”
- “Let’s play a game. You guess what I am thinking and if you guess right, you get something special ;)”
- “Tell me, what’s the silliest thing you did as a child?”
- “So, I have an extra ticket for [movie name]. If you feel like seeing it at the [cinema name] this Friday, you can totally come with me!”
- “I think you’re absolutely wrong about [movie name]. I just watched it, and I do have a lot to say about it!”
- “I have heard that [name of place] is pretty amazing. Wanna join me in the adventure?”
- “Listen, mister, I’ve got a lot to say about politics [or a movie, or any other topic], you don’t want to get me started on that!”
Do I need to follow the same guidelines using online dating apps?
You want to know how to keep a guy interested online, but how do you do that when he’s a stranger and you know nothing about him?
Whether that platform is Bumble, Instagram, Tinder, Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp; texting can become your number one tool to hook him in!
- Keep it fun and light. For example, “Lovely profile pic! Is that [name of place]?!”
- Talk about things you love, but don’t go too deep and serious from the beginning. For example, “What’s your ideal day? And don’t spare me the details please!”
- Compliment him on something, but don’t overdo it. For example, “Your scarf matches your eyes so well. Damn, I think I like your sense of style!”
- Flirt with him just enough to tease his imagination. For example, “Nature really took her time with you, didn’t she?”
- Avoid oversharing. You don’t know this person that well.
Closing the curtains on this one!
In the end, keeping a guy interested in your text conversation is all about
- Elevating and maintaining the chemistry you two have together;
- Knowing how to balance your reply time;
- Being authentic while you text;
- Making the conversation interesting with humor, flirting, intriguing topics, and fun questions;
- Keeping your texts light and positive instead of gossipy and negative;
Good luck, ladies!
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