The scariest type of ghost is when a person starts ghosting you out of the blue, with absolutely no explanation!
It starts making you wonder about all kinds of things—bad things specifically—because you’re clueless regarding the reasons.
You’re beating yourself up and anxiously waiting for his texts, but you can’t take the suspense anymore.
You just have to know why he unexpectedly cut contact even though he told you he liked you.
Without further delay, let’s talk about 13 reasons why he stopped texting you!
1. He’s playing the hot and cold game with you.
What I mean by this is that he’s being unpredictable and inconsistent with his behavior toward you and your relationship.
He’s switching things around by going from acting affectionate and interested to cold and absent.
This is his way of gaining control over both his feelings and yours, making you wait for him and chase him.
He wants you to initiate things first and make you “crave” his presence.
This is very immature and only feeds his ego.
2. He thinks he doesn’t need to put in any effort anymore.
Sometimes people can get too comfortable in connections.
They think they’re in the clear and don’t need to try as hard as they used to for their partner’s attention, however, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
If this guy told you he likes you but just stopped texting you then it could be because he’s getting lazy.
Thoughts such as “I already got her, I don’t need to try anymore!” could be the reason why he stopped texting you.
In a way, if this is the case, he’s thinking that you’re not going anywhere despite his behavior—respectful or disrespectful.
He’s getting ahead of himself and thinking he can do whatever he wants, and you’ll still be there and wait for him.
3. He’s tired of always initiating contact.
Typically, men are the ones who text first.
This doesn’t mean they want to, it just means that if they don’t do it, no one else will.
It has been this way forever and it has gotten to the point where men ridicule themselves if they shy away from making the first move.
If he’s the one who always reaches out, texts you, calls you, or even asks to hang out, chances are he’s gotten sick and tired of it.
He thinks it’s unfair.
Now, he’s giving you the space to make a move and show him you’re attracted to him.
A 2017 study on dating shows a huge, whopping number of men who think that women who show initiative are attractive.
They’re confident and know what they want: they won’t allow social constructs to stop them from taking the first step.
Ask yourself: Do I put in the same effort he does, or do I wait for him to contact me?
4. The conversation became too stale.
A lot of men stop replying when the conversation becomes stale and uninteresting. Simple as that.
Everybody texts the way they want, however, it can be a bit hard to keep somebody interested if you don’t pay a bit of attention to the way you text.
Are your replies short?
Are they dry and delayed?
People are easily annoyed by repetition and find it hard to keep the conversation going, especially if the other person isn’t trying either.
Maybe you two have just run out of topics to explore due to the chemistry not being quite there between the two of you.
It’s difficult enough to get the most out of a conversation while texting, to begin with, and it only becomes harder once you don’t know how to intrigue the other person.
5. He could be genuinely busy and unable to text.
As cliché and unlikely as this may sound, what if he actually doesn’t have the time to text you?
Life sometimes gets too busy, and people have other things they need to prioritize: school, work, personal or family matters.
We never know what a person might be going through, and it’s best not to assume.
He could be going through serious stuff that requires his undivided attention—and efforts—and he’s trying to get his life in order!
There are only 24 hours in a day after all, and within those 24 hours—aside from his obligations—he also needs rest, relaxation, and self-care time!
6. He doesn’t want you to think he’s too desperate and willing.
It goes without saying that people worry about the way they’re perceived, especially by people they’re hoping to establish a romantic connection with.
Desperation is a non-desirable trait that people don’t look for in a partner, and naturally, we do everything we can to avoid coming off as desperate.
By taking a break from texting you, he is hoping to avert the risk of looking too available and ready.
He wants you to have a harder time getting him, as opposed to making things too easy for you.
He’s trying to keep you on your toes and make you think twice about his feelings and willingness toward you.
7. You unintentionally did something that pushed him away.
If you’re unsure whether there’s something you might’ve done to push him away, take a moment and look back at your conversations.
Did you know that the majority of people are unaware of the way they act?
Psychologist Tasha Eurich states that although 95% of people think they’re self-aware, only around 10-15% actually are.
We have a lot of blind spots from which we can’t see ourselves.
Our opinions heavily affect our self-awareness so when we sometimes think that something is no big deal, in reality, it may just be a big deal.
You could’ve accidentally let something slip up but haven’t thought much of it.
Maybe you unintentionally offended him in some way or brought something up that you shouldn’t have.
It’s easy to trigger somebody’s negative thoughts and feelings, especially if you’re unaware of their triggers.
Even so, don’t beat yourself up if you never had any bad intentions toward him. You can try apologizing and encouraging him to communicate his feelings.
If he’s refusing to communicate, that’s his problem.
8. He might be thinking you don’t reciprocate his feelings.
Sometimes people think that things are going nowhere with the person they’re talking to because they show no sign of mutuality.
If this guy told you he liked you, and he just stopped texting you, then it could be because he thinks you’re not interested in him as much as he is in you.
Communication is key as it helps us convey our feelings and thoughts, and without it, people wouldn’t know how to make out of situations.
How can we know how people feel about us if they don’t tell us?
We can’t…
If you don’t show him that you care about him and return the same energy, you’re giving the opposite effect of what you want to give.
You’re telling him you’re not interested.
If you act nonchalant, dry, uninterested, and unattentive, he’s slowly going to give up and start pulling away from you.
Make him feel wanted and appreciated the same way he does to you.
9. This is his way of slowing things down.
When things are going a bit too fast for our liking, and we feel pressured, our first reaction is to take a step back.
Sure, he told you he liked you. But then, things may have taken a faster pace than he wished for, and stopping texting you could be his way of slowing down.
He feels he’s rushing, and is afraid he might mess things up. He wants a bit more space to think about what he truly wants.
He doesn’t things to become too serious too quickly, and potentially waste his and your time
Taking a step back from constant texting might help him get some form of self-control back to prevent himself from making reckless decisions.
Things could have turned too intense between you two, and he’s reducing contact as a way of slowing things down.
10. He never intended for the relationship to go any further.
Unfortunately, some men start talking to women for mere pleasure.
They try to pass the time or have a simple, meaningless fling.
This is selfish and petty behavior.
I mean, there have got to be other activities they could do to occupy their time, right?
He achieved his “goal” and now he doesn’t feel the need to contact you again.
And if he is in fact that type of guy, good riddance. The trash really took itself out!
11. He’s talking and giving his attention to other women as well.
It’s time to bring up the possibility that someone else has got his attention.
I know you probably are trying your best to make this thought go away, but really, how unlikely is it?
Some men talk to multiple women and like keeping their options open.
They rarely shut other women down, and instead have a tendency of entertaining them.
This is, of course, if they’re not serious about you.
The reason why he stopped texting you might be that he can’t multitask because he’s texting someone else.
12. He is no longer interested in you and has changed his mind.
As heartbreaking as it is to hear, in some cases, this is the truth. These things can happen. Very few succeeded in their first try at love!
He said he liked you, and you talked for a little while, but now he’s taken a step back because he might’ve had a change of heart.
He’s decided he is no longer interested in you and thinks it’s for the best that you two go your separate paths.
Although it’s very immature of him to choose this way to cut contact, you’ve got to let it go.
It’s his choice, and it’s no use imposing your feelings on him.
13. He’s scared of commitment.
He told you he likes you, he got very enthusiastic about you, and you’d text quite frequently perhaps, but now things took a major shift once he stopped texting.
One of the common reasons why men do this is when the realization of catching feelings hits them.
They see they’ve gone farther than they can handle and get into this ‘fight or flight’ mode. In most cases, they choose the ‘flight’ out of the two options.
This is his way of taking the time he needs to cool down a little and get back to his comfort zone where he feels like he’s in his element.
What should you do when a man that told you he likes you stops texting you?
You’re not in a comfortable position to be in.
On one hand, you really like this guy and want to hear from him, yet on the other hand, you don’t want to seem too desperate by texting him.
What’s the right thing to do then?!
– Don’t blow up his phone with your texts.
As worrying and anxiety-inducing as his sudden absence is, do not over-text him.
It’s going to put him in a position of power and make you seem desperate.
If he’s stopped texting you out of his own free will, chances are you bombarding him with texts isn’t going to change his mind.
Make him come to you.
– Focus on yourself and your life.
You should be the most important person in your life.
So what if he’s not texting you? You don’t need him to live a fun and happy life!
Go out with your friends and have a blast, watch your favorite series, go to your favorite restaurant, hike a mountain, or do any activities you enjoy doing.
Take your mind off of him.
If he wants to come back, he will.
– Calmly and rationally ask him what’s going on.
If you’re someone who values communication and must absolutely know what’s going on, you can always ask him what’s up.
There’s no need to try and win him back or—even worse—start an argument with him. Here are a few examples of what you can say to him:
- “Hey, is everything ok?”
- “[his name], it’s been a while since I heard from you. Is everything alright?”
It’s perfectly understandable to want to talk things out, and to make ‘one last move’ to give him the chance to explain what’s going on.
If, however, he doesn’t reply to your text, then you’ve got to let him go for realsies this time!
– Let him go, he’s not worth it.
Whatever the reason, if he suddenly stopped texting you with no explanation, he’s immature and inconsiderate.
You don’t need a person like that in your life, it’s not worth it.
If he would’ve been worth it, he’d be fair and straightforwardly communicate with you about whatever is going on.
Since you built a connection with one another, then the healthiest way is to talk things out. Since he’s not doing this, he might as well not be worth your time.
If you sense that things can be lightened up a little, an expert can be tremendously helpful!
At the end of the day…
Everybody has a mind of their own, and we can’t impose our thoughts, morals, and feelings onto them.
If people feel the need to keep in touch, chances are that they will reach out.
Take a look at your approach to him, if it’s fair and open, then you’re not the reason why he’s stopped texting you.
Focus on yourself and don’t allow your happiness to depend on other people.
However, if you’ve been acting cold, distant, or uninterested, then the ball is in your court. It’s time for you to make a move and reconcile things with this guy!
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