Replying to a text you got from him, only to not get a response can be frustrating and misleading.
You’re left wondering whether it’s something you did or said, or whether it’s him losing interest. Gosh, the possibilities are infinite!
If he initiates contact first and then doesn’t respond, it is often because another event or action might have conflicted with his free time.
However, your beautiful mind starts getting tired of contemplating every possibility behind this behavior.
Why would he text you and not respond?
Here are 10 reasons why he texts and then doesn’t respond:
1. He forgot that he texted you
Since a bit of time might have passed from the time he texted you first, he might have forgotten about it and just didn’t reply.
It is possible to check a text and think you’ll respond later just to forget.
He might have texted back and not replied because he got pulled into his work/studies that require his immediate attention.
If you already know about his habits and time constraints, then avoid stressing yourself over why he didn’t respond.
Sometimes the reason can be as simple as being forgetful that someone on the other end is waiting for your response.
2. In between the time he texted you and you replied, he got busy
Sometimes, his response is affected by your timing. He can’t be readily available for you to text any time just like you can’t do the same for him.
He texted you first then stopped replying because he wanted to have a conversation but you weren’t free, so now he’s the busy one.
In this case, this isn’t intentional.
He might have texted during a free schedule but he got busy doing work/studying because it can’t be left undone.
He is not responding because he wants to make you wait, but rather he is busy doing something that needs his attention at the moment.
So just give him some time to get off work and have access to his phone.
If he is interested in having a conversation he will respond even if it’s been hours since you last texted him.
3. He knows you are available for him anytime
When a guy texts you first and then doesn’t respond is because he knows that he doesn’t need to put much effort to hook you in.
You might always be answering his texts while he pulls the minimum effort other than texting you first.
He knows that you will respond to his text no matter what so he takes as much time as he wants to get back at you.
Whenever you just get a text from him first with no response is because he is just taking a minute from his day to confirm you’re available for him when he needs you.
- He puts low effort into keeping a conversation going;
- He finds excuses when it comes to hanging out with you;
- He’s not showing any signs of curiosity toward you;
4. He doesn’t like texting but is making an effort for you
Texting might not be his favorite form of communication, however, he is still willing to use it to stay in contact with you.
Nonetheless, his texting skills might not be top-notch, but still texts you first but doesn’t respond because he has a life beyond his phone.
A guy who doesn’t prefer texting might find it difficult to remind himself that he needs to go back and forth to have a conversation; sometimes having hours-long pauses, and then resuming right where he left off.
This one is as simple as him not knowing to keep a conversation through text or plainly not being comfortable with texting.
Even if he had planned to respond, he might be overthinking and rearranging his response to being perfect and not offensive in any kind of way.
5. It’s late and he doesn’t know whether he should respond
Timing can sometimes make it awkward to reply to the last message you received.
It could be because a long time has passed since the last message, or because it’s late evening, and responding this late would be inappropriate.
He might just be contemplating whether it would be rude or weird to text considering these timeframes, or if it is better to not text at all.
He might have been for a conversation but now it’s late and not texting back at all seems to be a better idea than sending you a late-night text.
Therefore, he doesn’t know if the flow of the conversation will just continue or if it was ruined and should start another one.
Thus, he might be overthinking his reaction to not responding to your text which might lead to no reply from him even though he texted you first.
6. Something unexpected might have happened
Sometimes, as you might be mid-conversation, you find him not responding even though he texted you first because something happened.
Although it can’t be used as much of an excuse, sometimes things that are out of control happen that need our immediate attention.
He texted you first then stopped responding because he’s reacting to a situation that didn’t give him time to let you know.
Despite the chances being low of this happening, it is on the list of the likely scenarios as to why he texted you and then did not respond.
7. He might have fallen asleep
After a long shift at work, he might have wanted to talk to you but the tiredness might just make it impossible.
He might have texted you first then stopped responding because he fell asleep, further emphasizing an earlier excuse he might have given you.
Although it might seem like an unlikely situation, there might have been instances when you have experienced this yourself, thus, try not to react negatively to it.
If he still hasn’t gotten back to you about his sudden disappearance, you can still contact him in the morning and ask him about it.
It isn’t clingy behavior to show interest in his health and understand the cause that pushed him to not text back.
8. Your response indicated the ending of the conversation
When a guy texts you and then doesn’t text back might be because your response was dry or noninformative.
The content of your text might have given the impression that the conversation ended unintentionally.
Also, you can’t assign him the duty of carrying on the conversation. It takes two to tango, remember?
If he senses that you’re not putting much effort, he will stop texting you back although he texted first.
Your engagement and response rate affect the investment he puts into the relationship and his response rate.
9. He doesn’t have anything to say
Guys aren’t many fans of small talk, so if he texted you first, he had a purpose.
After he fulfills it, he will stop responding because he doesn’t find it necessary to drag the conversation.
Moreover, if you have been going back and forth to set up a date or settle a problem, right after it’s solved, he will stop responding.
That’s because the reason he texted you first was addressed, and he thinks you don’t need a reply after that.
Also if his texts were confirming a date, after your reply, don’t expect his text because he thinks that everything is set.
10. He isn’t the kind of a person to say “bye”
Perhaps you are guilty of this practice as well, ending the conversation without a proper goodbye…
He might have texted you first and had a conversation, but when you sense it coming to an end he just doesn’t respond.
That’s because to him it is implied that the conversation has ended and doesn’t see the need to reply to your last text.
Even if you get a reply, it might not be a “bye” but rather “alright” or “sweet”. This might not be a practice of his.
How much longer should I wait for him to respond?
One thing’s for sure, you don’t have to react negatively to it. Take your time and also leave room for him to respond even if he texts back.
You should avoid flooding him with texts, asking him why hasn’t responded. This display of behavior will make you look needy and desperate.
If he still hasn’t responded to your text although he texted you first, give him a maximum of two days to re-contact you.
Life can take longer than two days to put it back together, however, if he was interested in you, he would have let you know what is keeping him away from you.
You can send him a follow-up after two days but that’s it. Don’t contact him again and let him go without being heavily invested in him.
If he stopped responding while you were having a conversation, don’t follow up immediately.
You should wait until he initiates contact, and if there is something urgent that needs to be addressed, only then can you send a follow-up.
However, if you want to start a new conversation, you don’t need to wait for days. Hit him up whenever you find it appropriate.
Something to remember:
Don’t overthink someone’s action and be too hung up to continue your life. Try to do the best thing for yourself.
When you’re in need of advice in such a situation, an expert’s point of view can come in handy as well. Don’t hesitate to share your story.
Act upon your instincts and factual evidence before jumping to any conclusions. Avoid letting self-doubt alter something beautiful.
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