Texting the guy you love is fun and exciting. It is until something happens that makes you contemplate when you should stop texting him!
You need to stop texting a guy that makes excuses to avoid progress or constantly pushes you to the edge of doubt only to come back and reassure you.
Think with a clear mind and put your values and morals as a guide that will lead you to the best solutions to your situation.
Let’s tackle this issue together!
Here are 15 signs which let you know that you should stop texting a guy:
1. He takes way too long to reply to your texts
When a guy takes a long time to text you back and that behavior becomes repetitive, then you should stop texting him.
Since he isn’t willing to talk to you and ignores every text that you send him, you should turn to self-respect and know when to give him up.
Although he might have his reasons for not responding to your texts, if he liked you, he would have found a way to make room for you in his life.
You need to pay attention to how his actions affect your emotional state and health and decide upon them whether it is worth continuing to text him.
2. He isn’t putting much effort into contacting you
When you feel that the conversations with him are exhausting, then that’s a sign that you should stop texting him.
You know it is the right time to stop when you’re the one bearing the burden of keeping the conversation going and investing more of yourself than him.
If you feel dismissed by his texts and he’s sending you short and dry replies, followed by showing attitude then you should stop texting him.
Since he isn’t putting as much effort to make things work, you know that you’re the one more emotionally involved.
So, just give up texting him and try to save yourself from heartbreak.
When someone is keeping you at arm’s length, then he might not be as involved with you as you might think.
Trust what your gut feeling is telling you, and then start to investigate the cause behind the feeling. You know you deserve more than dry replies!
3. He texts you only when he needs you
If you’re noticing that his name pops up in your phone only when he needs some favors or help, then that might be a sign to stop texting him.
Because his behavior indicates that you are important to him only when he can’t find solutions to his problems.
The same advice goes for when he texts you late at night to hang out which more often than not, leads to sex.
At some point, you start feeling like you’re not more than a booty call to him.
If this doesn’t align with your morals, then you shouldn’t be texting him.
Because you’ll feed into the hope that he’ll change and he might just disappoint you once more.
If he proved he was using you, then stop texting him.
4. It seems like you are competing for his attention
When you feel like you need to fight for his attention, then you should just stop texting him.
Investment should be mutual and the one who does it less has the upper hand because there is less to lose.
If you find yourself being desperate for his attention and carrying the conversation as much as you can, just stop texting him.
Do you feel you aren’t being treated fairly and every day is a fight for his attention against the unknown?
Don’t give up on your decision if he just gives you a grain of his attention. You deserve better and you know it!
5. You feel like you’re looking for reasons to text him
When texting starts feeling like a chore, then it’s probably time to stop texting him.
Once there is a loss of enthusiasm, a decrease in interest follows suit.
The motivation and the excitement you felt when he texted first have dimmed and you’re not okay with his constant change of behavior.
If you feel like texting him is draining your energy and you might have started delaying replies, then that’s an indicator that you should stop texting.
You’ve run out of topics to discuss and you can almost always predict the path of the conversation, then just stop texting the guy for a while.
However, do not ghost him. Rather talk to him about how you feel and come to a mutual agreement before cutting contact temporarily.
6. He doesn’t want to move one step further
If you’re looking forward to establishing exclusivity and he avoids the situation continuously, you need to sit and have a serious talk.
He needs to know your expectations and still chooses to ignore them, perhaps the best solution of all is to stop texting him.
There shouldn’t be any waste of time when it comes to determining the seriousness of a relationship and where both of you stand on it.
When your goals and expectations don’t align, and none of you are willing to compromise, that’s an unfortunate indicator that you should give up on a guy texting.
You should stop texting him when your goals don’t align with one another.
7. You feel like he’s becoming too controlling
His behavior and preferences are the main determiners in your decision-making if you want to continue contact with him.
If you feel like you can’t breathe without his interference constantly keeping you in check, then probably it best to stop texting the guy.
When a guy is constantly jealous, craving your attention, and his behavior is classified as needy, clingy, or desperate, stop communicating.
If you feel like that behavior is acceptable and it’s within your parameters of preferences, consider how you’ll deal with that behavior down the line.
An unfortunate telltale sign that you should stop texting a guy is when he tries to guilt-trip you into doing things against your will.
That’s controlling and manipulative, and you shouldn’t keep up with it.
8. He doesn’t seem to be interested in you
The romantic and sexy ambiance of your texts has changed into cold and chaotic, it’s time to stop texting him for a bit.
If you can sense that texting you has become more of a chore to a guy and is talking to you only out of kindness, then you should give up texting him.
When flirting isn’t incorporated in your texts, especially at the beginning of texting, then it’s probably he lost interest and it’s better to stop texting.
When you can reignite the spark that was there from the beginning and he doesn’t seem to care, let him know and start pulling away.
Because when the romantic flare isn’t there, the relationship will not be long-lived.
9. Stop texting him when he ghosts you
Vanishing is the lowest thing he can do, so when he comes back, just stop texting him.
Avoid making the mistake of flooding him with texts after he has ghosted you. This is his way of telling you to stop texting him.
Not only that, but consistent texts that go unanswered by him will make you look desperate and clingy which is something you want to avoid.
You should stop texting someone that isn’t respectful towards your time and avoids accepting responsibility for his actions.
10. He obsessively wants to stick to texting only
When a guy, no matter how much you insist on meeting him, continues strongly refusing, then you should stop texting him.
All he does is find excuses to simply avoid seeing you in person.
That is often a catfish red flag, especially if it has been a long time since you two have been texting.
Any alternative that you propose to texting always gets shut down and he never wants to revisit other options.
This behavior is simply him breadcrumbing and it’s a sign that you should stop texting him already.
11. He is being overly passive
He is sending you mixed signals that you find hard to decipher as to whether he is serious or just playing you.
When things are blurred, he refuses to offer a clear picture, and he refuses to contribute to the connection; That’s when you should stop texting a guy.
Stop texting someone when you feel like the momentum is not carrying into the next and things are just dragging along with no possible outcome.
A relationship that is headed towards uncharted territories can easily break if communication isn’t highly developed.
Thus, if your instincts scream that you should stop investing, then consider the factual evidence behind it and come to a final decision.
12. He changed his number without letting you know
When a guy wants you to stop texting him he will either ghost you altogether or just simply change his number without letting you know.
It is unlikely that he has forgotten to let you know because if he was interested and invested you would have been informed.
Generally, when one changes their phone number they inform important people that they’re about to do so.
If he changed his number and the only way you found out was through a Whatsapp notification, then consider stopping texting him.
13. You feel like you’re his last-minute choice
When he only arranges meetups last minute and usually late at night, know that you aren’t his priority and you should stop texting him.
He has some free time and doesn’t know what to do with it, and that’s when you come in. He’s just fooling around with you to keep himself busy.
When a guy only texts you at his convenience, then you should stop texting him because he isn’t serious about you.
You shouldn’t waste your time being a “last-minute mate” because you surely deserve better than a momentary distraction.
14. You feel like you’re not being valued
Stop texting him if you feel like your boundaries have been overstepped countless times, no matter how much you’ve let him know of them.
You should stop texting a guy if he makes you feel disrespected, undervalued, and self-conscious about yourself.
Living with self-doubt shouldn’t be how you live.
When a guy makes you feel bad about yourself, you shouldn’t give him the opportunity of such a toxic relationship and stop texting him.
What if a guy texts me after I’ve stopped texting him?
If a guy reaches you after you have stopped texting him then you have hooked his attention, with or without your intentions.
He has come back because he is used to you being readily available and his ego might have been bruised since you were the one stopping contact.
Whether you want to reconnect with him it’s up to you, that’s a preference.
Consider your behavior and the way you’re letting him know how you want to be treated.
If you don’t wish to continue contact with him, let him know. Be upfront and direct about your reasons.
Set boundaries and rules if you want to make things work for a second time, and you shouldn’t be lenient with your expectations.
In the virtual world, it is much harder to determine intentions because of the lack of visualization and body language hints.
However, if you just don’t want to talk to him then that’s also okay.
You can reply by letting him know that you are no longer interested in him and would like for him to stop reaching out.
Though you can always reach out for expert help when you’re puzzled and in need of clarification.
If he is still persistent with his texts despite your refusal, the next step would be blocking his number and any social media platform.
If a guy texts you after you stopped texting him, you don’t need to feel pressured to take any decision which goes against your morals.
Stay happy and healthy!
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