Oh, it messes you up! I know, because I’ve been there.
The tiring thoughts and troubled mind join the room they kick out the calm thoughts, and peace of mind. He just won’t text back!
Not to mention the almost compulsive urge to check the phone every time a notification pops up, with the thought of ‘Oh this could be him!’. Yet again, he won’t text back!
The solution to this problem is in you, it’s just that it’s a little blurry because, well, he didn’t text back.
Alrighty, ladies, let’s tackle this mess together!
I’d like you to consider something before we get into ‘what to do if/when he doesn’t text back’:
Think of this: What would get a text back from him make you feel?
Would you feel more valuable? Respected? Important?
Your thought of yourself as valuable, respected, and important shouldn’t depend on his texts, nor anyone else’s texts. Take the time you need to work on this aspect, and learn how to stop thinking that you’re the problem.
If you feel ignored, not valued, or not respected, then see if it is coming from a place of insecurities or if it is a result of his behavior towards you.
Try to understand whether his presence in your life fuels those insecurities and whether his behavior is generally toxic within the connection.
Would you feel that he cares?
Just one reply cannot indicate whether someone cares for you or not. You want to pay attention to his approach towards you and your boundaries.
Let things flow, and see if where they’re headed is suitable for you or not.
If he never texts back, and you’re the only one making a move, then take this as a sign to move on from this relationship. It’ll be draining and exhausting for you.
Here are 9 things you can do when a guy doesn’t text you back:
1. Change the perspective on how you’re seeing the situation
When a guy doesn’t text you back, honestly, it’s not him causing you the stress and the anxiety of waiting. It’s not you either.
It’s more on the point of view and perspective through which you’re seeing the situation.
Drop the “I did something wrong, hence he’s not responding”, or “How do I win him back?” mindset.
I do understand that it can be difficult because you like him a lot, you’re attracted to him, and you don’t want to lose him.
But you might want to take a second and think about how this attraction is affecting your emotional state.
When he doesn’t text back, it can be damaging, and it can make you drop things, perhaps question your value, and so on.
That’s why I’d like you to think of this as “He doesn’t seem to be very respectful towards me, do I want to continue keeping in touch with this guy?”
It is honestly more of a pragmatic way of seeing it!
I’d like you to ask yourself right now: “Am I happy with the way this way of communication from his side makes me feel? Would I tolerate this, for the sake of self-respect?”
2. Don’t make up scenarios or assumptions in your mind
There could be so many reasons why he doesn’t text back. He can show signs he likes you through text, but they feel absent once the assumptions start to kick in.
Making assumptions about this will drive you to a place of low self-esteem and almost desperation.
It’s not a healthy place to be in. If you want to get out of it, you must drop the assumptions.
I know all about the “Oh I shouldn’t have said that! I know it’s the reason he’s not texting!”, “He’s probably met someone more fun, or interesting than me.”, “He’s lost interest, I was kissing his a*s.”
Sincerely speaking, this gets worse, and the assumptions get more than 3 in number, more nonsense, and crazier the more you keep them going.
If you want peace of mind, drop them.
3. Don’t text him
“Oh, he didn’t respond to my text, I’m going to text him again to see why!” Hold on a little, wait for a little…
When I say wait, I mean don’t text him for a certain period, and do not wait around for him to text you. Don’t send him another text!
He didn’t communicate the reasons to you, hence you don’t want to rush in and text him something that could wait until he gets back to you.
Selma June, a relationship expert, explains that if you stop texting him, he will notice sooner or later.
Since we have no clue why he didn’t text us, we give him that space, but most importantly we respect our own.
He vanished out of the blue with no explanation. He’s got his reasons, but he gave you a solid one not to text him!
We acknowledge that it’s not our fault that he’s not texting us, and just leave it at that – continuing our lives like we did before we met this mind conqueror.
Set yourself a limit (time-wise), if he crosses that limit, move on.
Let’s say you set that limit to 7 days. If he doesn’t text until then, then you move on. And if you feel like it, send him a closure text to let him know that he won’t find you once he’s back.
4. Don’t put your energy into waiting for him, you’ve got better things to do
The thought of ‘He won’t text me back, I’ll lose him’ is scary itself.
Stop fearing things not working with him or ending with him.
This fear will govern your thoughts and might just put you on the desperate side of the spectrum.
Do whatever you have to do, and don’t let a guy that doesn’t text back get in the way of you living your usual things.
Don’t let that disrupt your peace of mind. Don’t put too much energy into this.
By not putting your energy into this, you won’t let it affect you as much as it is right now.
You’ll be focusing on other things that help improve your life, instead of things that just mess up your head.
5. Turn off the notifications, or at least put your phone on mute
Find ways to become ‘independent’ of your phone, especially if your mood started depending on it.
Just turn off the notifications, it’ll make it easier for you to not get disappointed or obsessed with it every time your phone rings to notify you of a text.
If you don’t feel like turning off the notifications, then at least put your phone on mute. Or just find a way to not let that ringtone affect you into thinking that it must be him.
This way you’ll minimize the chances to get distracted once you get your mind away from him.
6. Don’t text him to ask for explanations as to why he didn’t text back
Resist the urge, sister! I feel you, but for god’s sake resist texting him that one or two times more to ask for explanations from him.
I’m all about texting him first, but not in this case. No.
It’s a sign of desperation, and it’ll most likely turn him off. That’s not the point of it though, it’s not about him, it’s about you.
It’s not about his opinion of you, it’s about your understanding that it’s not worth becoming desperate for a ‘virtual cruel move’ of someone else.
You’re stronger than simply letting a person have such a big effect on your daily life and your emotional state.
Impacting one another in different aspects it’s part of being a social being. But, the levels at which this behavior affects us can sometimes get extreme and disturbing.
7. Understand that your world doesn’t depend on him
Take however much time you need to understand this: a day, a week, a month, a year…
Even if it makes you question your definitions of respect, love, or self-development.
I’d love you to truly comprehend this, and make it your new mantra:
Your world doesn’t depend on him.
You’re your individual, you experience joy, happiness, and life through you, through your being. Why shake these solid truths?
I know, it may sound a little too dramatic, but honestly, it can get exhausting at some point…
Unanswered questions, checking the phone every single time, questioning if “I’m enough”, questioning everything you said.
These mess up your mind a little and shake your world a little.
Go out with friends, because you feel like going, not because “I don’t care about him, and I want to show it to him”.
Do what you do, what brings you joy.
8. Try your best to not obsess about it – Don’t overthink it, and don’t blame yourself
He didn’t text back, it’s just a guy not texting you back, not the world ending.
You’re asking for clues, reasons, and actions. It means you’re thinking about it, perhaps a lot, perhaps so much that you couldn’t help but search about it.
Obsessively thinking about it will not help anything. On the contrary, you’ll be damaging yourself, it won’t benefit you.
If he doesn’t text back, he has his reasons. You won’t solve any mystery inside your head until he gives you the truth himself.
One of the worst things you can do is blame yourself. Though I’ve been there and I understand that blaming yourself is one of the ways to give sense to the situation.
Find ways to entertain yourself and go on with what you usually do. Not letting your joy depend on his text.
9. Don’t play games
If he’s honest and genuine enough, he’ll find ways to stick around, and you two will find ways to each other.
When he doesn’t text you back there’s this “He didn’t text me back, but I’ll find my way around it, he doesn’t know who he’s dealing with” Girl, no!
Let’s just not find a way around it. If it’s not something that you’d tolerate, and if it is something that messes with your head, just tell him.
If that’s something he does unconsciously, or he’s just busy, or whatever it is behind it, then you’ll have an understanding of it eventually.
If you want to turn it around and make him taste his own medicine, it’ll get worse.
If a guy doesn’t text you for a day, you don’t text him for 48 hours, and the next thing you know–not responding to each other for at least 48 hours became the new norm for your communication.
Drop the mind games. Stick to genuinity and sincerity.
What to text him back when he finally texts back?
It entirely depends on what he texts you and how he texts you, on how long since the last text he sent you.
For example, if a guy doesn’t text you for a day (like 24 hours), or like 6 hours or something similar, it’s usually not something to worry about.
Unless it is something that bothers you, and you feel like you can’t go on with such behavior, then simply let him know through clear and honest communication.
However, when he doesn’t text back for days, it’s slightly a different story.
For example, if a guy doesn’t text you for a week and comes back pretending nothing happened, while you’ve been going crazy ‘behind the scenes’, you can send him:
“Oh hey, it’s good to hear from you again, but this is not a way of communication I feel okay with. It was lovely talking to you, all the best!”
“It’s nice to hear from you again. Though, I found it a bit concerning that you’ve been gone for such a while. Is everything ok?”
He’ll either give you a lame excuse, or he’ll give you an honest reason. Whatever his answer is, judge it and see if it is something you want to keep up with.
He’s being disrespectful if he:
- Doesn’t respond to your text that requires an answer/response.
- It’s been a while since you’ve been ‘mingling’ and it often happens for him not to respond for days, just to come back later with a ‘hey’.
Approach the situation with calmness, and don’t let it disrupt your peace. Let your answer come from a place of self-respect, and peace of mind.
If a guy doesn’t text you back – Responses for when someone doesn’t text back
Alright, we’ve come to ‘He doesn’t respond to my texts, what do I respond to that?’
If it is truly disturbing you and you feel like you want to end things, you can send him:
- “Hey [name]. It’s been lovely to get to know you, but this is not a way of communicating that I’m comfortable with, so I’ll have to let you go. Wishing you the best!”
- “Hi [name]. I hope you’re doing ok. I just wanted to let you know that I’m not comfortable continuing things between us due to your lack of communication. I wish you well!”
- “Hello [name]. Lack of communication is not something I’m okay with. Even though it’s been amazing to get to know you, I’m gonna have to let you go. I wish you the best!”
On the other hand, if it is bothering you, but you still want to continue things with him, and want to know the reasons, you can send him something like this:
- “Hey [name]. It’s been a while since I haven’t heard from you. Is everything ok?”
- “Hey [name]. I’d rather not guess what happened, is everything ok?”
You’re showing concern, and it’s not coming from a place of neediness. If he doesn’t respond to that either, then you’ve GOT to move on.Why doesn’t he text back? – 5 reasons why guys don’t text back
I’ll briefly explain 4 of the reasons why he doesn’t text back. Although, I’d like you to keep in mind that the only way to know for sure is by him communicating his reasons to you.
1. He’s using this as a manipulation tactic.
Guys that are into mind games, manipulation tactics, and disrespectful manners toward women will use such lack of communication to keep you chasing them.
It’s his way of keeping you engaged and holding your breath, making him seem too hard to reach, and unfortunately, more desirable in some cases.
2. He doesn’t really know what to say – Your text isn’t requiring an answer
Sometimes we focus a lot on what we’re getting, and when he doesn’t text back, that type of focus is more intense.
It’s good to step back and reflect on what we’re giving to.
One of the reasons why he doesn’t text back, surprisingly a lot of times, is that he doesn’t have a clue how to respond to your text.
If it isn’t a question that you sent him or at least something that requires a text back, then he might just get stuck and he just ends up having no idea what to say.
3. He’s not interested in a relationship.
When he doesn’t text you back too often, as in, this is becoming something repetitive, it could be one of those signs that he’s not interested through text.
If he’s interested, he will at least text you now and then and ask you how you’ve been.
You can connect the dots with the way and the approach he has with you through texting, but also when you spend time together in the flesh.
4. Not texting is his way of getting control of the connection.
One of the reasons why he won’t text back, or why he doesn’t text back is that this is some sort of a tool he uses to get control of the connection.
He perhaps feels that he doesn’t have enough power, or he feels intimidated, or inferior towards you, there are a ton of reasons why he’d be wanting to get control.
This is a pretty powerful tool to use, as it leaves you with unanswered questions like “Why doesn’t he text back?”, or “Is he still interested in me?”, and so on.
5. He’s just not very good at multitasking – He could be busy
It’s a little bit on the way we perceive things and how good we are at multitasking.
In this case, he might suck at multitasking, and can’t focus on whatever he’s doing AND texting you at the same time.
It might take him a bit to reply, but if/when he’s interested and cares, he will reply, and he texts you. It’s too obvious not to see it.
What does it mean when a guy doesn’t text you back?
There’s only one way to know the exact truth when guys don’t text back. That is a solid, honest, genuine explanation from the guys who don’t text back themselves.
I know that when/if a guy doesn’t text back, it leaves a lot of room for self-doubt, and confusion.
You seek for a meaning, you try to connect dots, or just get any crumb that makes sense to end the troubling thoughts. It gets chaotic up there.
We can make assumptions as much as we like, but the best way to solve this “mystery”, is to take care of yourself, mind your own business, take care of your joy and peace of mind, and move on once you see that he crossed your limits and boundaries.
FAQ – What to do if he doesn’t text you back?
– What to do when a guy doesn’t text you back?
Here are the 9 things to do when your boyfriend doesn’t text you back:
- Change the perspective on how you’re seeing the situation;
- Don’t make up scenarios or assumptions in your mind;
- Don’t text him;
- Don’t put your energy into waiting for him, you’ve got better things to do;
- Turn off the notifications, or at least put your phone on mute;
- Don’t text him to ask for explanations as to why he didn’t text back;
- Understand that your world doesn’t depend on him;
- Try your best to not obsess about it – Don’t overthink it, and don’t blame yourself;
- Don’t play games.
– Will he ever text me back? – Will he text again?
There’s no definite “don’t text him and he will text you” answer to this. And there’s no definite answer on whether he’ll text you back again.
Most of the time they do text again, he could be one of the guys that stop texting and start again.
Whatever the case, it’s important that your joy doesn’t depend on it.
– What to text when he doesn’t reply?
I wrote a few lines in the article, and here they are again:
- “Hey [name]. It’s been lovely to get to know you, but this is not a way of communicating that I’m comfortable with, so I’ll have to let you go. Wishing you the best!”
- “Hi [name]. I hope you’re doing ok. I just wanted to let you know that I’m not comfortable continuing things between us due to your lack of communication. I wish you well!”
- “Hello [name]. Lack of communication is not something I’m okay with. Even though it’s been amazing to get to know you, I’m gonna have to let you go. I wish you the best!”
I don’t recommend you text him to ask him about the reasons, hence, I’m not going to rewrite those lines here.
– He read my message but didn’t reply. What should I do?
If your response required an answer and your boyfriend didn’t respond/reply, then you can text him just once more but not come from a place of neediness.
If your question was of high importance, go ahead and text him.
If not then stick to those 9 things I mentioned 2 times already. You mustn’t let your mood be affected by it. Be joyful, and don’t stop the activities you’d normally do. You’ll be fine, trust me!
Excellent article. Your professional yet personal advice was expressed well and easy to understand. It was like having a conversation with a knowledgeable caring friend. Thank you.
Fantastic and very very helpful
I need to hear this as I am going through such pain in my heart from the guy i loved. Y
Same here…this article helps a lot!😢
This is amazing i Ave learn alot and I will implement these strategy as I’m going through The same thing right now with my boyfriend he’s not talking to me an he read my texts but he does not text me back but I’ll be okay thank you for your beautiful work God bless
I have a fwb that doesn’t text well at all and I’m ALWAYS letting that stress me and doubt myself.
Just what I needed thanks for the helpful tips. I will not stress over a man.<3
Thank you for this article! It’s extremely helpful in making one see things through a haze for self-doubt.