What could occur as a silly idea to someone, is something that became viral in a matter of a couple of days: having your ex, ghoster, or anyone who did you wrong take an exit survey!
An exit survey is a simple questionnaire for people to fill out when they quit their job. This way they give the company room to improve their rapport with their employees.
Well, now, that’s not the only case an exit survey will be used!
The ‘Exit Survey’ Tiktok trend, is a trend emerging recently, where people got creative with the idea of giving an exit survey to their ex, ghoster, breadcrumber, etc.
To give you a better clue, here are a few of the most famous videos on Tiktok regarding the Exit Survey Trend,
The girl in this video is Stephanie D’agostino. Clearly, she’s had fun and got quite creative with it!
Whether she’s sent the survey to the guy who ghosted her or not, remains, well… a mystery.
Jokes aside, would sending someone a survey be a good idea?
Here’s a clearer view of this!
Is the survey trend a healthy way to clear blurry waters left by turbulent connections?
Online dating, despite its advantages, comes along with its drawbacks as well.
Studies show that 82% of women and 71% of men have been ghosted on dating apps.
Ghosting, despite its toxic effects, has unfortunately become normalized in our society.
It can be very damaging to the ghostee’s mental and emotional health, it can even be perceived as social abandonment.
Other toxic dating trends such as breadcrumbing, cookie-jarring, orbiting, roaching, etc, can be just as harmful as ghosting.
A heartbreak from a messy breakup can be another big bump in the road.
Though, is the TikTok survey trend the new way to clear the blurry waters from a turbulent connection?
Yes, and no.
It entirely depends on how you construct the survey.
It depends on the tone of the questions, the tone you set on the answers to the questionnaire, and the message when you send the survey to the receiver.
If you’re looking for a way to settle things and clear things up on a good note, then the survey can be one of your best options!
Here’s an example,
i sent a quiz to all the boys ive loved… AGAIN
Having a calm rather than an arrogant approach to the survey can help you understand the connection on a deeper level.
This way you set the room for more transparent and more open communication with the receiver of your survey.
If you construct the survey with a defensive, arrogant, or even offensive approach, it will blur the waters even more.
That’s because it makes room for the receiver to respond with the same tone.
So, sending a survey to someone you know or knew to clear up things, can be a good idea if approached correctly.
If you keep it genuine you’ll increase the odds of your questions being answered. However, if you keep it arrogant, you might get no response at all, or a hurtful one after all!
Should you join the Survey Trend? How can it be empowering for you?
Yes, you should join the Survey Trend! “Why?”, you might ask.
Well, if you have those people in mind along with the questions you’d like to ask them, then you can get creative with it!
You can have a playful approach to this, and you can dedicate the questionnaire to anyone, your crushes, exes, friends, ex-friends, etc.
Keep in mind that you don’t necessarily have to share the process on your socials such as Tiktok to join the trend.
All it takes is you making the survey through Google forms or any other way that works for you, and send it to the people you want to take the questionnaire!
This can be empowering for you in many forms,
- You gain a different perspective on your behavior, people’s perception of you, and particular topics;
- This can be your move to give the other person(s) a chance to make things right;
- You’re showing a sense of playfulness to the matter which can make it a lot easier for you to deal with the wrongdoings of the other person(s);
- It allows you to not take things too seriously despite the receivers’ willingness to respond;
- You can have fun with something that once hurt you;
Studies show that shifting your approach to a negative experience from the past can help you have an easier time dealing with it.
In a way, doing this survey can give you an opportunity to not focus on the negative parts of the connection you’ve had with people.
Instead, you’re gaining helpful information, perhaps even guidelines on how you can improve your ways of behaving, acting, or thinking regarding relationships.
The right way to create your own survey for your ex, ghoster, or anyone else out there!
You don’t need to go viral for this to work on your side. All you have to do is simply construct the survey the right way, and voila!
You know you’ve constructed the survey the right way when you start feeling a sense of empowerment.
You should also feel a sense of freedom from the negative experience(s) related to the people you’re sending the survey to.
Well, what’s the right way to join the survey trend?
Here are 5 tips to create your own survey and join the survey trend the right way!
1. Think of your intentions behind this survey.
Do you really want to learn something from this and the people you’re involving, or do you just want to go viral on the internet?
Clearly, these two cannot be the only two intentions behind a survey on people you share or shared a connection with.
Nevertheless, it’s crucial to be real and honest with yourself about your intentions and expectations from this.
This way, you set a ground for yourself, and you have a clearer idea as to what you want to take from doing this.
2. Do a little research: take a look at what other people did with the survey trend.
Start taking notes of the questions you’re curious to have answers about, the structure of the survey, answers, flow, and approach you to want to maintain.
Now, this doesn’t mean simply copying the questions and answers from the internet. Although you can do that if you see it working fine for you!
Analyze what other people did with the survey trend on Tiktok and on other socials.
See what they did right and what they could improve. To give you a push on your journey, here are a few examples,
So, take your time, take a look at how other people did it, and finally, start crafting your own survey!
3. Manage your expectations: Prepare yourself for what’s to come!
This process has its drawbacks too. It depends a lot on who you’re surveying, however, you have to get ready for their responses.
You can set yourself up for heartbreak by asking questions such as “How hot am I?” to an ex with whom you’ve had a messy breakup.
So, take your time when forming those questions, and prepare yourself for each answer you include on your survey.
On the other hand, you must prepare yourself for a potential total silence as well.
The receivers of the survey can also decide to not take the survey at all.
So, take your time, manage your expectations, and take this with a grain of salt.
Try having fun with it, and have an “If they respond, awesome. If they don’t respond, still awesome!” approach.
4. Keep the questions and answers genuine.
Depending on your survey, your questions and answers can be fun, straightforward, or serious.
However, the most present element should be genuinity. Get creative with it!
Avoid having a defensive or arrogant approach as you may set yourself up for more drama or even heartbreak.
Here’s an example of how you can make your questions and answers on a positive note,
i sent a quiz to all the boys i’ve loved…….
5. Get creative with the text that follows the survey!
If you have these people’s emails, it’s even better. However, messaging apps such as Whatsapp can work as well.
Write something catchy, and something that can feel personal to the receiver of the survey.
Lure them in, and make them curious as to what this survey is about!
Don’t go too far with the details. Keep it short and simple. Yet make the text engaging and in a way that tickles the receiver’s imagination!
Here’s an example,
“If you’ve received this survey, it means you and I have encountered each other before and at some point, I’ve had a huge crush on you. Surprise, surprise!! I’m doing this for fun, so you can take it as seriously as you wish. Keep it genuine though!”
On the other hand, you can do what’s best for you. Want it to be a viral parody of the exit survey? Go for it!
Want to learn something more about yourself and the ways you can improve on relationships through this survey? Go for it!
Do what suits you best and what you feel most comfortable with. Most importantly, keep it as genuine as possible.
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