Texting ‘I love you” is a milestone in any relationship, whether it is a crush, a new relationship, or a boyfriend. It is not just the words that matter, but also the timing and context when those words are said. And while it is undoubtedly nice to hear those words, he might not sincerely mean […]
Why did he text me after two weeks? 10 main reasons why he appeared out of nowhere
You’re all excited to talk to a guy or you’re still processing the breakup and he chooses to come back after two weeks. That out-of-the-blue text will leave you confused and yearning for answers. You’re wondering what is going through his head and what are his intentions. To help you clear your head out, here […]
6 Signs to find out who your boyfriend is snapchatting
The cheating statistics have shown just enough to build doubts in each of us: Online infidelity is higher than ever! Mix that up with our bitter experiences from the past and your partner’s suspicious behavior, and we surely do have a cocktail of insecurities, doubts, and mistrust! Is your partner cheating on Snapchat? A partner […]
Is he talking to someone else on Whatsapp? 6 signs and 3 ways to find out!
I was having a peaceful weekend texting with my (then) boyfriend on Whatsapp. I see my texts being sent but not seen. He was online. “Just a glitch,” I thought to myself. Well, the glitch turned out to be that he was texting someone else and I was clueless about it. Mind you, he was […]
Is he playing games by not texting back? 8 signs to understand his texting game
It’s not easy to decode a male’s or anyone’s intentions based just on his texting style and interaction. But, what defines if he is playing games by not texting back, is his overall interaction with you. You’ll know that a man that is playing games by not texting back when does that multiple times and […]
12 signs he’s talking to another girl through text! Is your man texting another woman?
A friend of mine found out her man (who she thought was the love of her life) was talking to other women online. The look in her eyes was the look of a woman whose heart just got shattered by a disgusting level of disrespect to her boundaries and presence. Texting other people can be […]