Has your guy friend been acting a bit suspicious lately? Is he a bit more flirty and clingy than usual?
It’s not unlikely for a man to develop a crush on his female friend.
Yet, it is also not unusual for a woman to misinterpret the signs when her male friend likes her. Especially through text!
It can be a bit tricky to realize through text, as opposed to in person, however, not by a landslide!
Let’s look at 16 signs your guy friend likes you through text!
1. He takes forever to reply to others, but not you.
If he never delays his replies while texting you although he’s notorious for being a bad texter, then this is a dead giveaway that your guy friend likes you.
This means he sees you differently from other people and holds you in higher regard.
He doesn’t want to keep you waiting and give you all sorts of wrong ideas about him.
He won’t let you wonder why he hasn’t texted yet, or even worse, let his lack of presence push you to talk to someone else.
This means that he enjoys talking with you, and would rather choose quality time with you over anybody else.
2. He gives you day-to-day updates even though you don’t ask him to.
This is his way of both keeping in touch with you and letting you know his whereabouts: where he is, who he’s with, and what he’s doing.
He usually tells you his every move unprovoked, that’s because he wants to remind you of him constantly and is trying to keep the text conversation going.
You mean something to him and he wants to involve you in his day-to-day routine, even if just a little bit.
You’ll also notice justifying notes in his texts when he’s not able to text—when he’s busy, for example.
This tends to be due to his desire to keep things clear and erase any potential doubts you have about him.
3. He sends you a lot of memes in an attempt to make you laugh.
Grace Tworek, PsyD, explains that laughing has both emotional and physical benefits, it may help to:
- Relieve stress;
- Create bonds with people;
- Increase the oxygen in your body;
- Promote heart health.
The saying that men will try to make their crush laugh is pretty accurate and it’s not just a myth after all.
Humor is really attractive, to both men and women.
Men like it when women laugh at their jokes, and coincidentally, women like men with a good sense of humor.
If your guy friend is constantly making jokes or sending memes, he’s trying to “hook” you by making himself seem like a fun and interesting person.
He’s attempting to win extra points with you and not bore you out of your mind.
4. He asks a lot of questions and is very nosy.
If your guy friend has started asking you a lot of questions about stuff that isn’t any of his business, then chances are he’s started liking you.
Let’s say you’ve just mentioned that you’re going to a party, your guy friend might as well text you questions such as:
“Are there going to be a lot of guys there?”
“Is [your ex’s name] going to be there too?”
“What are you going to wear?”
A lot of people behave the same way when they feel threatened or worried.
Usually, a friend that is just a friend wouldn’t ask questions that—in perspective—don’t concern them.
Not to mention, it’s much harder to keep your cool if you’re not close to the other person, and your form of communication is texting.
5. He gives you space to talk about yourself.
On average, people prefer talking over listening.
That’s because we usually enjoy talking about ourselves, get bored, or overload our brains when taking in too much information.
But, if your guy friend likes you he will give you space to talk about yourself, your interests, your past, and other aspects of your life that pique his interest.
He probably never interrupts you and judges you for texting more than him: that’s because he’s enjoying every second of getting to know you.
He might even ask questions because he genuinely enjoys knowing more about you, and—potentially—finding out what you two have in common.
6. He texts you sweet nicknames.
Nicknames are a sign of fondness and closeness.
A lot of guys use nicknames when they want to show affection or be flirty!
Does this friend of yours set a lot of silly and cute nicknames for you?
If so, he’s being affectionate by differentiating you from other people in his life, all while making himself stand out to you as well.
If he’s already given you a nickname, then chances are that you’ve given him one back, creating a bond between the two of you.
He’s probably making an inside joke, teasing you, and texting you those sweet nicknames once he gets the opportunity!
7. He mentions your name often while texting.
He’s mentioning your name as a way of attracting your attention and getting you more engaged in your text conversation with him.
By mentioning your name, he’s hoping to get your attention and create intimacy with him.
We all like the sound of our names, and we’re drawn to and intrigued by conversations initiated by people who use our names frequently.
This makes us feel appreciated, respected, and acknowledged.
He could be doing it unintentionally as well.
Once you take an interest in somebody, you’re going to love the sound of his/her name and will use it more and more often.
8. He’s swamped but still texts you whenever he can.
You can tell a lot about how a person feels from the way they treat you and the amount of time they commit to the connection with you.
Is your guy friend a busy person who’s always on the go? Has a packed schedule with little to no room at times? Yet, he still makes time to text you?
If so, you don’t want to get too surprised if he confesses he likes you anytime soon!
We pick and choose who we want to spend our valuable time with, especially if we’re busy.
His choice of picking you over and over again to spend his time with is a sign that he might not see you as just a friend.
9. You’re the one he texts when he gets drunk.
My Research on self-expression while drinking alcohol shows that the effect of alcohol decreases anxiety and negative reactions and increases extraversion and sociability.
If he’s drunk, and his first instinct is going to you, this means that he’s thinking of you even in that mental state.
Someone who’s under the influence of alcohol will think and behave differently, or in ways they don’t typically have the courage to.
While drunk, people react more in sync with their thoughts or feelings and won’t care about what others think.
So keep this in mind if a guy friend texts you while he’s out with his buddies for a drink.
Chances are he likes you and you’re always on his mind!
10. He always texts you good morning and goodnight.
He is consistent with his texts, day or night!
He has never missed a day—or night—and you even know his sleeping schedule by now.
You’re the first person he thinks of when he wakes up, and the last one when he goes to sleep.
He’s going out of his way to consistently let you know that you’re on his mind.
He’s hinting at availability and even might be expecting you to text him back because he wants to know when you’re awake and asleep.
A guy friend who wouldn’t romantically like you, wouldn’t really be so comfortable with this much closeness.
11. He sends you photos throughout the day.
Whether it’s photos of himself, his outfit, pets, or places he’s been, he’s trying to grab your attention.
We are—and I cannot stress it enough—visual learners. Not just kids, but people, in general, enjoy being visually stimulated too.
We are drawn to images because they grab our attention more easily.
It’s his fun and subtle way of sharing bits and pieces of his day with you. Letting you in on all the activities!
Maybe he saw something that reminded him of you? A cute animal that he knew you would get a kick out of?
He’s going to take a picture just for you!
12. He always texts you whenever he gets good news.
Who doesn’t enjoy getting good news?
The anticipation of expecting news is nerve-wracking, but it makes the good news all the better!
Whenever you get good news, your first instinct is to tell a loved one about it, right?
Probably family or close friends.
But to him, the first person he wants to share his joy with is you!
He always tells you his good news because he believes you’re someone he can share his happiness with.
13. He doesn’t mind texting first or double texting.
There’s a lot of debate going around about whether you should text someone first or not, and a lot of people don’t want to do that because of their pride.
But when a guy likes you, he won’t care much for stuff like that. Especially if he’s your guy friend!
People want to initiate a text conversation and squeeze in as much precious time as possible with people they like!
He wants to talk to you so much, he won’t care about society’s thoughts on texting first or even double texting.
He doesn’t care about “looking desperate,” because he likes you.
He wants your attention and silly societal norms aren’t going to stop him!
14. He always justifies and explains his late replies.
If he’s too busy, accidentally fell asleep, or even didn’t see your text, he always apologizes—sometimes frantically.
It happens to the best of us!
As much as he tries to always talk and keep in touch with you, life got the best of him and he wasn’t able to text back.
One thing is for sure though, if he likes you, he will always say he’s sorry and make sure to make it up to you.
It may not seem like a big deal to you, but to him, it probably is.
He doesn’t want you to assume that he’s ignoring you or that other people are snatching his attention.
15. He always talks about wanting to hang out with you.
There comes a time when texting just doesn’t cut it anymore, and that’s when he starts dropping hints here and there that he wants to hang out.
He could be doing it directly by straight up just asking you to hang out, or he could be doing it indirectly with texts such as
“We should meet up soon.” or “Why don’t we hang out after class more often?” etc.
He’s trying to bring the topic of meeting up to the table, and implying that he wants to hang out.
Someone who likes you will attempt to intrigue you to hang out with them as well.
16. His texts are flirty.
Being friendly and flirting sometimes are hard to discern. However, your guy friend recently has been acting more than just friends, and it’s obviously flirty!
You’ll know your guy friend likes you if you receive flirty texts which include
- compliments;
- flirty emoji;
- starting text conversations that could lead to something romantic;
- teasing you about a ‘potential’ romantic connection with him;
Once your guy friend gets a bit heavy on the flirting, especially through text—it’s easier to do something behind a screen—there’s a huge chance he’s a little too much into you!
What should you do if you don’t like your friend back?
You should stay true to your feelings no matter what. If you don’t like your guy friend back, then you should tell him.
Be straightforward, save the mercy because that will only lead him to think there’s a chance.
Rejecting someone sucks, however, it would be way worse if you strung the poor guy along.
You could try:
- Dropping hints and implying that you’re not interested in him or just dating in general;
- Not entertaining his attempts at romance by shutting down any suggestive behavior on his part;
- If he’s making you uncomfortable, be straightforward and tell him that you don’t reciprocate his feelings and that he should respect your decision.
Your friendship might as well not continue as both of you might get awkward or he might have trouble letting go of his feelings.
Nonetheless, you should only do what resonates with you: stay true to yourself.
What should you do to let him know you’re into him?
If you are into him, he is probably already laying the groundwork for you.
He is most likely flirting and spending time with you.
Returning the same flirty energy is the way to go!
- Flirt back with him on the same wavelength, send pictures of yourself, give him your time and attention, and make plans together;
- Make it known that you’re into him too;
- Make him feel important and appreciated.
A lot of couples in a solid relationship first start off as friends! You might as well give this one a try!
To wrap it up…
As inconvenient—or not—as having a friend develop feelings for you is, we must keep in mind that it can’t be helped.
In spite of that, don’t let your comfort be in jeopardy.
Draw a line that you think shouldn’t be crossed.
Talk to a coach or expert if things need to be simplified.
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