Nowadays, texting makes it easier for you and everyone to stay in contact with your lover even if you’re not next to each other.
Hence, since the way of communication can change easily, it can cause a lot of confusion and misunderstandings.
If your boyfriend has been texting you less and you’re the only one texting first, he might be losing interest.
A bad texter, losing interest, or just collecting more energy to come back?
If you want to define the exact reason why he’s losing interest and pulling away, you need to communicate openly with him.
Hence, depending on how long you’ve been dating, you might know his personality and his texting pattern and habits.
If he used to text you for months every day in the morning and now for a month or more he’s been distant, something happened.
His texting habits changed because he might be going through something. He might be hurt, he’s way too busy, or he has lost his feelings for you.
To have a clearer answer, here are 13 signs your boyfriend is losing interest through text:
1. He gets irritated when you contact him
There comes a time when you’re in a relationship that you experience dullness and boredom.
Hence, if your boyfriend isn’t losing feelings for you, he will try to change your mutual routine or activities.
Hence, if he’s really losing interest through text, a main sign that shows it is a constant irritation.
- Whenever you contact him, he might immediately get mad and his replies will be shorter.
- To be more specific, he avoids your requests or needs and then burst into anger.
If he didn’t act before like this but now constantly does it, it’s a surefire of disinterest.
2. He doesn’t reply to your jokes and finds them annoying
If your boyfriend used to be a funny guy but now barely jokes around or finds your jokes funny, he has started to lose interest.
- 1. In this case, he doesn’t send jokes anymore or memes;
- 2. His replies are short just a “HaHa” or he reacts to your text with an emoticon.
- 3. He might even ask what’s funny about that and reply after a day or just leave your answer on delivered.
The little details of his behavior and the way he approaches your text leave a lot to understand.
3. His answers are short and stale *constantly*
If you want to tell if someone is losing interest over text, keep an eye on his texting habits and pattern.
If he used to text you about his day and his answer were detail oriented but now this is slowly decreasing, this might mean that he’s losing interest.
What can help you to have a clear idea other than giving you details or giving short answers is the way he follows up.
If he doesn’t ask you any questions about your day and doesn’t want to open up then he is slowly withdrawing.
4. He will make you believe that you’re being pushy
Hmmm, talking from experience here.
If he makes you believe that you’re contacting him too much but you’re not doing it, he wants you to get the hint.
This is what my then-boyfriend did with me. He used to answer shortly for more than two months and I was confused.
Asked what was going on but didn’t get any proper answer.
Then he started to use reverse psychology which is quite easy to be applied over text.
- “I think today you have a free day since you’re constantly texting me.”
- “I bet you can’t even stay an hour without contacting me.”
5. He texts you suddenly less frequently
Based on this scientific research, one might find it hard to identify and express his feelings.
Yet, if he didn’t have a problem texting with you all day and expressing his feelings and now he stops, his feelings might have changed.
On the other hand, if he suddenly stops texting you and he didn’t get over his last ex, you were a rebound.
Thus, he might have found you as an escape to clear his head from the breakup.
That’s why his text starts to get shorter and then suddenly he stops texting you without giving a proper answer.
6. Your conversations are suddenly shallow
One of the signs a guy is losing interest over text is when there is a drastic change in his approach.
If you used to talk late at night and make plans together now he says good night at 10 pm, something has changed.
Even when you talk during the day, his questions might seem superficial.
The conversation gets dull because his questions will be just: “How are you?”, “How have you been?”, “Is there anything that I can do because I have to go.”
To understand this change in his behavior, you can talk about your experience with a personal coach.
7. He replies to your texts but seldomly initiates
In a conversation where only you will initiate the text, it will seem like you’re talking to yourself.
He will answer or reply whenever he has time and then rarely initiate a conversation.
When he initiates a conversation it will be because he needs something from you.
If he texted you without any particular reason and now he rarely does that, it means that he’s confused about his feelings.
8. He avoids giving straight answers and starts to be sarcastic
You might notice that he’s losing interest through text when he kind of mocks you and never did this before.
He gets rude without any specific reason just to avoid giving a proper answer.
He might have shown interest in you but now he seems to be in and out.
As dating Coach Susan Winter explained that in this period, you’ll feel confused and don’t know where to start.
Before jumping to a conclusion, you should know that if he was always sarcastic then this might be his personality.
Yet, if he never or rarely used it but now is using it to belittle you, it means that he has started to lose interest.
9. He uses the same excuse for his delayed replies
He uses work as his excuse for delayed replies or for not texting you first.
Indeed, life gets heavy and busy every day, yet, if you’re his priority, he will let you know.
The author and relationship counselor John Gray cited that “Men are like a rubber band and Women are like waves.”
This means that a man needs some time on his own to sort out his feelings and women go with the flow while they work on themselves.
So, he might have a hard time and be busy or need some time to be on his own.
Yet, if he doesn’t communicate these feelings over text or in person and is constantly busy, this means that he’s pulling away.
10. He says that he’ll text or call later on but never does that
In a healthy relationship, it’s important to understand your boyfriend or partner when he’s busy and can’t reply all the time.
- Yet, if he uses this as an excuse to reach you later on and never does it, this means that he might have started to lose interest.
- He might have kept his dating options open while dating you or he isn’t just feeling the same about you.
Thus, to know if he’s losing interest in text, he will avoid the chance to communicate more with you!
11. He doesn’t send you a good morning or good night text anymore
In general, relationships have ups and downs and the honeymoon phase isn’t permanent.
If he used to be the first one who contacted you before sleep and after waking up and now he barely does it, this might indicate a loss of intimacy.
Maybe this loss of intimacy was caused by you or him, or both.
Whatever the reason, if he suddenly stops building emotional attraction with you then this means a decrease in affection and interest.
12. He leaves your messages on delivered or read
When your partner or boyfriend leaves you on read or delivered, that doesn’t always mean that he has lost interest.
Well, if he constantly ignores your messages and you see him interacting online with others, this means that he has lost interest.
- In addition, he barely gives you a proper answer after giving you a one-word answer.
Yet, if he isn’t doing it on purpose, he will let you know that he can’t communicate properly with you these days.
Otherwise, every type of ignoring that is done only toward you, indicates a loss of interest.
13. He keeps stringing you along
One of the main signs he is losing interest while texting is when he starts to breadcrumb you.
He ghosts you and then comes back as if nothing happened.
He has this type of hot and cold behavior. One day he texts you normally and then he disappears for days.
Then he cancels plans over texts suddenly while giving you a mere reason.
In this case, it’s very important to ask him directly to sit down and talk about this problem.
What to text a guy who lost interest?
Before texting your boyfriend when he seems to lose interest, start to reflect on yourself.
It’s better to point the finger first towards you than him because the process will be easier.
Once you reflect on your behavior and approach towards him, you’ll know what’s wrong from your side.
Then if you’re willing to work on your flaws you can point out what you don’t like in his texting pattern or habits.
1. Start by getting more curious about him and how he’s feeling. Show empathy and be a good listener.
Yet, if he refuses to answer a few times or doesn’t feel comfortable doing it over text, ask him to meet you.
2. Avoid putting pressure on him and give him some time to reflect on the situation.
You can change the course of the conversation and notice if there are going to be any type of changes.
Get creative on how you text him, be more mysterious, and don’t text him the same time or way that you do.
If you didn’t use emojis until now, start doing it but don’t overdo it because it will seem generic.
3. Be honest and encourage him to be open to you.
Let him know what you don’t find attractive and what is bothering you.
Yet, when you let him know it’s better to do it subtly. You can do it while playing a game and having an online or in-person date.
You can text him something like: {Hey partner, it seems like you’re super busy but I’m feeling left out over here.}
4. Try to find out the reason that he’s pulling away before jumping to a conclusion.
In this case, what I advise you is to read the book Models Attract Women Through Honesty by Mark Manson.
You’ll understand how a man understands seduction and attraction and when he uses his honesty to attract a woman.
Then you’ll do the linkage between his texting pattern and what’s going on in his head and how he perceives attraction.
The final statement: How to tell if he’s losing interest through text?
If he’s losing interest through text, you may notice his cold behavior towards you.
Yet, what defines that your boyfriend is losing interest through text is a lack of effort to have decent communication with you.
The way you communicate won’t differ from the conversation that you make with someone you’re not close with.
Instead of eating yourself up, try to communicate to him your needs and the changes that you’ve noticed.
Avoid making an instant final decision. Take a step back, allow him to work on himself, and explain himself.
All the best,
Callisto Adams
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