Falling in love with someone is a non-linear process.
It’s rather a process when your man develops a range of feelings for you over time.
When he’s slowly falling for you, he’ll seek to blend emotional and physical attraction!
What goes through a guy’s head when he’s slowly falling for you?
Men are not that easy to read when it comes to feelings.
What goes through a guy’s head and how he feels when he’s slowly falling for you depends on his attachment style and his personality.
Thus, in general, signs that he’s slowly falling in love with you aren’t always obvious or telltale.
Some of them are weird and hidden.
He might find himself suddenly thinking about you when he encounters a song, food, or anything that reminds him of you.
On the other hand, he might start to imagine a future with you, where he uses every little opportunity to build a special relationship with you.
To get a grip on this situation and make sure he’s slowly falling for you, here are 17 signs:
1. He tries to spend more time with you
One of the signs that a guy is slowly falling for you is when he spares time for you.
In general, knowing that for a man his pride and ego are an important part of his character.
Stepping away from his traits and making changes to prioritize you, means that he’s putting you first because he needs your presence.
He’ll offer his help when you need it and in the cases when you don’t claim it.
To be more specific, he will slowly become selfless and more excited to offer his help and attention to you.
2. He tries to communicate more with you
Communication and consistency are two elements that’ll help you define if he’s falling for you and not just interested.
If he wants to date you exclusively and wants to form a healthy relationship, he will work on his communication skills.
If he’s slowly falling for you then he’ll try to check up on you randomly and more than usual.
- It could be a good morning or good night text;
- He’ll contact you and ask if you went to a certain place or home safely;
- He responds quickly and doesn’t ignore your text messages;
- He engages more in the conversation and gives you space to do the same;
3. He’s more vulnerable with you
Dating coach Hayley Quinn stated that to confidently navigate through modern dating, you need confidence.
So, to build up trust in the relationship, you need to things to be direct with your intentions and shift your perspective.
If he’s sharing his thoughts on religion, family, and the future, then he’s more than interested in you.
In this case, he just doesn’t put pressure on you to discuss these things. His goal is to connect with you emotionally but he’s doing it gradually.
4. He is more thoughtful when it comes to planning dates
If he puts more effort and consideration when it comes to planning dates with you that means that he’s trying to form a special connection with you.
Based on my experience, my partner was being quite creative when it came to planning dates.
Other than he was initiating these dates, he cared to do every time something different.
It doesn’t mean that the date should be something fancy or posh.
~What’s important is that you can notice his effort to put up something nice and special for you.
It could be a picnic, small notes to let you know how much he appreciates, and a plethora of memorable experiences.
5. He is more interested to know about your personal life
One of the main signs that a guy is slowly falling for you is when he asks questions to get to know you better.
When a guy likes you, he tries to know more about your hobbies and interests.
But when a guy is slowly falling for you, he wants to know beyond that: what fuels your life, what keeps you passionate.
During these conversations, he might listen carefully, ask follow-up questions, and give his opinion too.
6. He’ll have that deep staring and a twinkle in his eyes
As the saying goes “The eyes never lie chico”.
He’ll act and be passionate when it comes to you. He’ll listen to you with all his being.
Hence, be careful, where I say that he has that “deep” staring, it means listening carefully to what you say or do.
You will notice his body language when he glances or looks at you. There won’t be a lack of intimacy.
He’ll try to smile a lot at you and tries to get as closer to you as possible.
In the meantime, he will use certain compliments such as you have a beautiful smile or eyes or personality, and how that impacts him positively.
7. He’ll try to remember everything about you
When a guy is slowly falling for you, he becomes detail-oriented and notices everything about you.
Other than this, he can remember about you any detail about the past that you don’t consider as important.
It might be a childhood memory that you told him where you hurt your knee or which is your comfort food.
You’ll notice that he’ll let you know that he notices you by giving you small gifts or ordering your favorite food.
If you’re not sure what he’s feeling then you might discuss your situation with a personal coach too.
8. He treats you more special than others
He cares more about your needs and boundaries and he tries to learn more about them.
Indeed, even a friend or a family member can give you special attention but getting overprotective or jealous is what defines his aim.
When a guy is slowly falling for you, he’ll get more interested in your dating life or with whom you’re hanging out.
He might get protective because of his jealous type and attachment issues and not because he’s slowly falling for you.
In this case, give him more time to express his feelings and intentions.
Spend more time with him and ask him questions regarding what type of relationship he prefers or what are his perspectives on love.
9. He becomes more affectionate
Being only affectionate with you isn’t a sure sign that he’s slowly falling in love with you.
Hence, if that is followed by emotional attachment or attraction then that means that he is investing his time and being in you.
He’s slowly falling in love with you if he gets every chance to get closer to you, to get physical with you, and to talk for hours to understand you.
10. He finds excuses to meet you or talk to you
Now what goes in his mind is finding every little opportunity to communicate with you and be near you.
Whenever he encounters something that reminds him of you, he will immediately let you know.
- He might act like he forgot something at your house or forgot to say something and text or call you.
- He might ask you to join him in any type of activity or finds an excuse to be near you at social gatherings.
- He tries to be playful and acts like he sends the wrong text and teases you.
11. He acts differently when he’s around you
A man doesn’t change easily to fit in an entourage unless he really wants to impress someone.
In this case, he wants you to feel comfortable around him. He wants you to connect more with his authentic self.
He tries to impress you and is shy or acts goofy but still manages to make you laugh and feel good about yourself.
In addition, he tries to show you more of his fun or playful side.
He does it by being self-deprecating and showing that he doesn’t take himself seriously around you.
12. He encourages you to achieve your goals
If he is always by your side and supports you through the bad and good times then he’s falling for you.
- He will encourage you to get out of your comfort zone to achieve your goals;
- He will make sure that you will always stay motivated by sharing his experiences and wisdom with you;
Hence, for you, it might be easier to spot this sign if you’re already focused on self-improvement.
As the dating counselor, Lisa Marie Bobby stated that you’d enjoy dating and find the right one if you’re healthy and working on your self-esteem.
13. He gives you a special nickname
If he’s slowly falling for you then it means that you’ll be someone special to him.
He might express this through different things and actions such as going on dates, giving you special attention, and a special nickname.
This is a sign of affection and that he wants to put you on the pedestal.
To be more specific, he will try to let you know that he only calls you by that name.
You’ll notice that when he calls you by this nickname, his body language changes and he tries to get near to you.
14. He doesn’t flirt with other women
You will notice that he is more distant from other women.
Even if he was playful with others, you will notice that now he is giving all the attention to you.
This means that he’s trying to be committed and respect you.
- He gives you more attention and gives you compliments regarding your appearance or intellect.
- He tries to create one special bond just with you by differentiating you from other women he knows.
15. He introduces you to his friends and family
When a guy wants to experience a fling or if he is a player, he tries to keep you away from his family or friends.
The moment that he develops stronger feelings, he will introduce you to his friends or family.
Hence, this depends on his personality of him and on the relationship he has with friends or family.
He just wants you to feel welcomed and see how you interact with his beloved because he wants to form a serious relationship.
16. He’s not afraid to tell you that he misses you
It’s not easy for a guy to let you know that he misses you unless he develops strong feelings for you.
So, if he’s slowly falling for you then he will even break his own rules to show how he truly feels about you.
Whenever you’re not hanging out with one another, he’ll slide in your dm or write a heartfelt text.
If he lets you know how positively you impact him and he wants to be in your presence more often, he’s surely falling for you.
17. His texts are longer and include a lot of details
One of the signs he is slowly falling for you through text is including a lot of his feelings and emojis to express himself.
Sharing details with you from his daily routine or something that he’s looking forward to means that he’s looking to create a deeper connection.
Also, he asks deep questions and tries to text you more whenever he can.
In general, he doesn’t ghost you or delay your text messages.
Can guys fall in love slowly?
There is no set timeline to fall in love, not even for women and men.
Both genders experience feelings differently and express or utter them.
Some people might instantly fall in love while others might take a longer time and more effort to fall in love.
As he takes his time to fall in love it means that he’s taking time to know himself and you on a deeper level.
- He might want to ensure that his feelings are genuine first and that you share mutual feelings.
- If you ruminate through the brain of a male in love you’ll be able to find only intentions and not a specific timeline.
- This means that if he doesn’t have genuine intentions from the beginning then it won’t matter if it takes him more or less time to fall in love.
- He might fall in love faster if he has an insecure attachment style because he needs attention and appreciation to boost his ego.
So, to be more specific, a person, a guy falls in love according to his needs, priorities, his experiences, and whatever he’s feeling now.
The difference between FWB, a situationship, and a guy slowly falling in love with you!
This stage of dating and falling in love can be quite confusing.
Even though these are different types of “relationships” with different levels of commitment, they can be easily mistaken for one another.
FWB can also be affectionate but he won’t engage himself in planning dates or connecting with you emotionally.
Thus, a plethora of studies and experiences state that creating a healthy relationship means balancing sexual and emotional attraction.
Thus, if a guy is slowly falling for you, he will try to be vulnerable and flirty with you too.
Whereas if you’re stuck in a situationship or you’re being FWB, he’ll lack commitment in both cases.
If you want to learn more about this difference, you can check out this quiz
How to communicate or act when a guy is slowly falling for you?
If a guy is slowly falling for you, you need to be yourself and be patient.
This process is exciting and nerve-wracking and at the same time, that’s why need to create your boundaries, show them, and be compassionate.
1. If you’re interested in him too and have developed feelings for him, try to slowly show them.
Flirt with him a little bit, try to initiate texts, make more compliments, and ask him questions, listen to him.
2. You shouldn’t rush anything and form an instant relationship.
Try to take things slowly and see if you’re compatible and if your intentions are genuine.
Most of the time, you might get caught in the thrill of it, but make sure that you get the help you need to form a healthy relationship.
To get a grip on the situation, make sure you listen to him. Ask questions about his perspective and preferences.
This might help you get the idea of compatibility.
3. If you’re not interested, still be open and honest with him.
Avoid stringing him along because it will only become a negative issue where you will have a problem recognizing what you’re feeling.
To conclude it all: Defining ultimate signs he’s falling for you
One of the ultimate signs that he’s falling for you is allowing himself and you to connect emotionally and physically with one another.
It means that he takes a vast step toward you, to offer you comfort, and special attention.
Getting to know your flaws and not judging you about them is an obvious sign that he’s slowly accepting you for who you are.
However, it’s important to remember that every guy expresses feelings differently and these signs might change according to it.
Hence, try to communicate openly with him and express your feelings while letting him know about your boundaries.
All the best,
Callisto Adams
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