Flirting is one of the major signs that a guy likes you, but the tricky thing is figuring out if he is trying to flirt!
Some men are flirty by nature—they flirt with pretty much everyone and don’t think much of it until confronted.
And although it could be argued that some people view flirting as a hobby more than a distinct sign of affection, it’s always best to be on the same page.
Why do men flirt?
Finding out that a handful of men flirt for reasons other than crushing on a person isn’t shocking, but there’s nothing wrong with it as long as they’re being upfront.
It would be a problem if they were to lead a person on and lie about having deeper feelings for them.
– They have a flirty personality. Some guys are flirty by nature, whether they realize it or not.
It’s part of their charm if we think about it, but we shouldn’t take their flirty remarks close to heart as they’re simply being themselves.
– They want you to know they’re into you. There is a great chance that a man is flirting with you because he likes you and wants to catch your attention and woo you at the same time.
– They’re bored. You’d be surprised how many people flirt just for the heck of it; they’re bored and view no-attached flirting as a source of entertainment.
– They just want attention. We can’t necessarily make a correlation between attention and feelings as attention seekers ask for it with anybody.
These flirty people love being in the spotlight and making themselves irresistible.
– They’re jealous. Two different, jealous scenarios push men to flirt! The first one is that they flirt with a person to make their s.o. jealous.
The second one is that they feel “threatened” by another man and feel the need to have you keep coming back for more of that sweet talk.
How do some guys flirt?
Everybody has their unique flirting style—complimenting their crush, helping them out with whatever they need, buying them presents.
Some even tease them and might seem mean to outsiders, but the point is there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to flirting.
However, I have observed 4 different types of flirting that people usually lean towards:
- Verbal: a man complimenting and talking to you an extreme amount;
- Physical: when he’s constantly closing the distance between you two;
- Acts of kindness: it may fly under the radar for some, but some guys express affection by getting things done for their crush;
- A mixture: when he cooks using different ingredients!
19 specific, male flirting signals — Is he flirting with you?
Now that we know how guys flirt, we may safely move on to signs of flirting from a guy (which are quite interesting).
And I know I said that flirting depends on the person, but we weren’t born yesterday! We all know some classic flirty lines.
Today I’ll be showing you how to tell if a guy is flirting with you with these *distinct* signs that prove he actually is:
1. He purposely stays close to you in group settings.
No matter how large the group setting, he still comes and stays close to you, making your bodies touch and closing that distance.
He detaches himself from the rest and gives you all the attention because he values quality time with you and is grasping the opportunity for the two of you to get closer.
2. He showers you with compliments.
This is the most typical sign that a person is flirting with you; although it’s fairly easy to get it confused with being nice, there’s a small difference.
If a guy who’s into you flirts with you, he’ll do it excessively and on every little detail—compliments about your looks, talents, achievements, etc.
However, he acts this way with only you and no one else.
3. He jokingly asks you if you’re jealous.
If a guy is crushing hard on you, he’ll purposely make you jealous and then jokingly ask you if he achieved his goal.
E.g. he’ll tell you he went out with a female friend, after which he’ll continue teasing you about being jealous for every little, innocent question you ask.
4. He talks to you first even when there’s nothing to talk about.
He randomly texts, calls, and approaches you for some quality conversation, even when there’s nothing to talk about.
This is him initiating communication and even slyly urging you to do the same thing: “I’m always the one doing all the talking, haha! Don’t hesitate to text me, I enjoy talking to you.”
5. He keeps his eyes peeled on you.
If he can’t keep his eyes off of you and doesn’t look away even when you catch him staring, then it’s safe to say a guy is flirting.
He wants you to know he’s into you and isn’t shy to show it.
6. He does things for your sake even if they end up inconveniencing him.
I’m sure this has happened at one point or another! For example, he stays up late to talk to you even though he has to get up early.
Or he walks you home even though your houses are far apart from each other.
More or less, he is always there for you regardless of whether you need him to be or not—a helping hand or mindless fun, he doesn’t mind throwing himself under the bus for you.
7. He subtly (or not-so-subtly) asks you out.
If it seems to you like this man is always coming up with excuses to meet up with you, then he most likely is.
Where you’re going or what you’re doing doesn’t matter as long as he’s spending time with you, so other than fun, planned dates, you might witness him asking to tag along with you while you do your groceries.
8. He is always cracking jokes to make you laugh!
Making the person they like laugh is some people’s way of flirting, and truth be told, it’s my favorite! This is how the guy you’re talking to is making his way into your heart.
He cracks jokes he knows will get you, sends you hilarious photos/videos, and is okay with making a fool out of himself just to see that amazing smile.
9. He makes himself look manlier.
The dreaded “when a guy friend comments on how shorter than him you are” scenario which suggests he likes you more than a friend.
Another variety of this flirting technique is a man comparing hand sizes with you as a way to boost their manliness and call you cute.
10. He takes an interest in YOUR interests.
I believe that a person making an effort to understand another person’s world is one of the purest, cutest forms of affection.
This is why your guy has suddenly started to get into the same movies, music, hobbies, and other pastimes you’ve been vocal about enjoying.
11. He teases you every chance he gets.
People sometimes flirt with their crushes by being jokingly mean to them; although a bit childish, it’s a common sign of male flirting.
He might make harmless, snarky remarks that get you all riled up and addicted to his playfulness—this attention-seeking behavior typically means he likes you!
12. He sends you spontaneous images and texts.
Because he doesn’t care much for the “I don’t want to chase her” mumbo jumbo, he doesn’t mind double or triple-texting you!
If he sees something you might like or smile at while he’s out and about, he’ll snap a picture and send you it—selfies included.
13. He buys/gives you stuff.
It’s pretty hard to argue that a person who constantly gives you presents doesn’t have feelings for you.
Take a quick look at your shelves—how many of the things you see are presents from him or things he gave you?
Hoodies, plushies, etc., these cute gifts are his way of expressing his feelings and deepening your relationship while also making you happier.
14. He interacts with your every social media post.
Sneaky! By doing this, he’s also telling other potential partners to watch out as he has his eyes on you.
And on a slightly related note, if none of your posts go unnoticed by this guy (he likes and comments on them), that’s his way of online flirting.
15. He gives you cute nicknames!
I want you to think back to the last time you gave someone a nickname—probably a sibling, a close friend, or a love interest.
All nicknames between friends may be considered flirty to some degree, but if he’s nicknamed you something like, “cutie”, then might as well just admit it!
16. He gets “territorial” when another man is involved and will question you about him later.
He’s a bit iffy with all the guy friends who also have a thing for you, which is why he’ll try to distract you from them.
If it’s you, him, and a guy friend talking and the friend in question starts getting all touchy, he’ll cut things short and suggest you two leave.
And let’s not forget the “Who is he?” questions! Your guy will either bluntly ask you about the relationship between you and your friend or make it seem as if he’s jokingly jealous (while very much being so).
17. He keeps note of important events.
Remembering important dates (e.g. birthdays) when having a crush on someone is normal because you want to be there for them.
It’s a sign of flirting because the guy in this case wants brownie points—they’re basically implying, “Look! I remembered something small, yet important about you!”
They give themselves a pat on the back, in other words, and they might make a big deal out of it the next time you two talk.
18. He urges you to stay longer.
When the day reaches its end, he always tries to make you stay longer and comments on how fun spending time with you is.
He urges you to stay up longer whenever you’re having a text conversation and you want to catch some Zs; if he throws a cute, harmless fit whenever you tell him you’re about to go, this is why!
19. And most importantly, he treats you special.
No one but you has seen this flirty side of him.
You’re the only one who can make him go above and beyond, utter sweet words, and be playful.
He doesn’t shy away from telling you that you’re the only woman in his life receiving this type of attention because he wants you to know you’re special.
What are the signs of flirting from a guy over text?
Distinguishing flirting over text is a tad harder since you’re not physically close to the person; not being able to see their facial expressions and body language has this effect.
This makes his texting habits the only clue you have to determine whether he’s flirting or not—but don’t worry, because that’s all you need.
While you and this guy are texting, he’s flirting if he:
- Sends you lots of cute emojis;
- Refuses to let the conversation die;
- Sends you random photos of himself;
- Texts you back without delay;
- Compliments or teases you through text;
- Texts you first and double-texts;
- And stays up late just so that he can squeeze in some extra time with you.
How to know if a guy is flirting with you or just being nice?
There’s a fine line between flirting and being nice because, in perspective, there are some boundaries that stay untouched between friends.
If this guy flirts with you and nobody else then we can cross out the option of him considering you a buddy he’s plainly trying to be nice to.
Look at the nature of his flirting—if he constantly calls you beautiful and tells you how much he loves your company, he’s most definitely flirting.
What you do after that is up to you. If you want to reciprocate his flirting, then by all means! If you’re not interested, don’t let others pressure you.
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