Faithfulness can be manifested in many ways. He might be happy around you and be a good listener but he still might cheat.
Yet, consistency and respecting your boundaries are labeled as the main signs of a loyal man.
But can a man be mentally, physically, and emotionally faithful at the same time?
Here are 14 signs to explain this phenomenon in detail:
1. He communicates openly with you
To be faithful in a relationship means being open, and vulnerable and respecting one another’s boundaries.
Indeed, this sound perfect and merely reachable.
But, a guy who has taken his time to heal from previous relationships and trauma, will take the relationship one step at a time.
When he is not content in the relationship, he will communicate it with you.
He won’t run and go to another female to find joy and console himself.
◾You’ll notice that he has got morals when he doesn’t become defensive right away when you ask questions regarding relationships or him.
And this is just a tiny aspect or a tiny sign that he might be faithful.
2. He’s supportive of you
I know that while you’re reading now, you think that faithfulness is all about positive things.
Well, from the outside it might look like it but mostly faithfulness is both of you working on your flaws to make the relationship work.
Remember that being faithful isn’t something constant and that it might be spotted easily.
But, if he is thoughtful and takes your feelings and thoughts into consideration then he is making a step toward faithfulness.
◾ a faithful man will respect you and support you to be the best version of yourself.
3. He doesn’t cross your boundaries
Not crossing boundaries while dating or when in a relationship can mean two things.
1. He respects your wishes when it comes to having sex or taking the relationship to another level.
2. He doesn’t flirt with other women or sleep around.
To be more specific, he continues to be a part of your life in the best way possible.
◾A sign of a loyal man is when he adjusts his lifestyle and priorities to you and vice versa.
To understand your boundaries and how you can adjust them to your him, a relationship coach will be a big help.
4. He makes you a part of his entourage
Being upfront with you is a sign of loyalty and faithfulness.
He doesn’t live a double life. This means that he doesn’t treat you as his secret.
Now, you have met his friends and family and he tries to make you a part of his family.
◾On top of it all, what can enhance the meaning of his faithfulness is how he acts towards you in front of his family and friends.
A man of values will treat you with kindness in private and in public too.
5. He keeps his promises
When a man keeps his word and promises is a sign of a loyal boyfriend.
Especially, if you’re in a long-distance relationship, keeping even the smallest promises affects a lot the bond between you two.
I was in a long-distance relationship when I was in college and let me tell you, maintaining it wasn’t as easy as I thought.
Yet, my boyfriend tried to remind me every day that I was his priority.
He texted me, tried to come home as frequently as possible and give me that special attention.
6. He’s consistent with his actions
Effort and assurance are two main signs that might complete the picture of loyalty and faithfulness.
Indeed, especially, if you’re in a long-term relationship, you might face a lot of ups and downs.
But, if he manages to treat you with respect and his behavior doesn’t change a lot during this time, this might indicate faithfulness.
◾To be more specific, he sticks to his actions and takes responsibility.
If you’re the one who always initiates your dates or conversations and you talk with him about this, he reflects and tries to change.
This is a sign of loyalty and faithfulness. But, if he comes home late multiple times after telling you he won’t do it then this means that he lacks loyalty.
7. He tries to spend quality time with you as much as possible
Yes, making you his priority is one of the 7, 8, or billion signs of a loyal boyfriend.
You’re his priority and he doesn’t keep his dating options open.
Because, if a guy is unfaithful then he will either keep up his dating profile on the dating apps.
Or, he will go out more with his male or even female friends and check out other women.
◾But, if a man is faithful, he will use every little opportunity to communicate or hang out with you.
If he’s giving you mixed signals and going MIA then he might just be taking advantage of you.
8. He doesn’t invest more in his female friends than in you
The dating coach Stephan Labossiere claims that a faithful man will be careful about what type of relationship has with the opposite sex.
Well, there’s nothing wrong with your boyfriend having female friends.
What matters is how he acts when he’s around her or them.
If he invests more time and energy in her than you then that means that he might have feelings for her.
Particularly, if he’s still friends with his ex and his world completely revolves more around her than you.
If this makes you uncomfortable, try to talk to him. Let him know how his actions make you feel and offer him an idea to find a middle ground.
9. He makes sure to not impact you negatively
A man is a stud when he’s careful of his actions.
One aspect that you should check when it comes to whether he’s loyal or not, is how he interacts with you.
The dating coach Chris Nappi claims that when a guy refuses to commit and impacts you negatively, that means that he’s not respecting you.
But, a faithful guy, will try to find the middle ground even when you fight.
He comes back and tries to discuss with you his morals and standards.
10. He doesn’t try to act mysterious or hide something from you
When he is an open book, this might be a sign of faithfulness.
He is transparent with you about his life outside dating.
He’ll inform you who he’s hanging out with or where he’s going.
He does this without you asking. And no, I’m not implying that this is always necessary for a relationship.
Yet, a healthy relationship is based on mutual communication and compassion.
11. He protects your mental health
Many people might talk about how mental health and faithfulness are not related at all.
Well, to the core of it all, they are related very closely to one another.
Let me explain it.
One of the signs that he’s faithful in a long-distance relationship or whatever type of relationship is valuing you.
When he cares about your well-being that means that he puts effort to impact you positively and evolve the relationship.
This type of effort can be labeled as a tiny part of faithfulness in any type of human being.
12. He lets you know about his past relationships
If your boyfriend or husband tries to build trust within the relationship, this might mean that he’s loyal.
If he’s open about his life and his actions in his past relationships then this is a good sign.
The moment that he tries to hide other exes from you, he might do it for a certain reason.
This type of behavior will immediately lead you to mistrust.
13. He isn’t possessive or controlling
A controlling boyfriend or husband tends to be jealous because of his insecurities.
And this has a lot to do with his faithfulness.
A person that tries to control you physically and emotionally doesn’t trust you.
He might have a sneaky link just to fulfill his needs and boost his ego.
When he doesn’t trust you, he might tend to even cheat on you just to make you jealous.
14. He wants to connect you on a deeper level
When a man is loyal and faithful, he will want to connect with you emotionally and not just physically.
If he tries to value you more for your soul and not just for your body then he’s faithful.
He has his priorities and life rules that do not make him a player.
It takes time to track loyalty but a loyal man will take it to step by step, to get to know you and not put pressure on you.
What’s the difference between a loyal and faithful man?
Many people use the terms loyal and faithful interchangeably.
Hence, there is a slight difference between these terms.
Being loyal is connected to man’s actions and morals.
And a faithful man is someone who is reliable and uses his actions and morals to impact you positively.
Loyalty is one-sided whereas faithfulness is both-sided.
It means that a person can be loyal but when he wants to be faithful, he will do it having you in mind.
When he is faithful, his actions will impact positively both of you!
Is it possible for a man to be 100% faithful?
Yes, a man can be faithful but no one can guarantee that someone can be 100% faithful.
It’s just the same as saying that someone has to be a perfect human being all the time when being in a relationship.
Everyone makes mistakes and every man has different values from one.
Being loyal and faithful requires a lot of effort and time, it’s not a linear process.
So, a guy can be loyal most of the time if he wills to believe in monogamy and invest in one relationship.
Concluding all of this: How to define a faithful boyfriend?
Defining a faithful boyfriend or husband can seem like finding the golden fish in the deep sea.
I’m not implying that faithfulness doesn’t exist in a man because this issue isn’t gender-based. It depends more on his values as a human being.
But, when a man tries to build his loyalty and his actions impact you positively that’s when you know he’s faithful.
There is no single sign that can claim it. You should check every aspect of him and his actions towards you and other people too.
Callisto Adams
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