In this day and age, we’re not really in need of protection. It’s just the idea of women needing a hero eventually vanishing through the years. However, we can’t escape our instinct and the hard-wired biology behind us as human beings. Back in the days of caves, men were the protecting and providing ones, while […]
13 Signs he pretends to love you – How to become aware of it?
Being in a ‘loving and loved’ relationship is one of the remarkable things in life. But when ‘doubt’ comes as a part of a relationship, then YIKES comes right after it, no one wants to go through that phase. Unfortunately, people pretending to love someone they’re in a relationship with is a thing. We wish […]
14 Signs he is fighting his feelings for you
Whether he’s a married man, a single man, a good good friend, he’s a man after all. He can’t escape nature’s design, and he definitely can’t escape feeling those feelings for realsies, no matter how much he’s fighting them. If you’re having a feeling about it, he might just be fighting his feelings for you. […]
23 Signs he thinks you’re the one & How soon does a man know he found the one?
Ah, yes! The century’s dilemma: Is he thinking I’m the one, or he’s just being ‘the one’ for me? Well, unfortunately, AND fortunately we can’t read each other’s minds, BUT we can read behaviors, words, and body language. That’s good news considering the dilemma we’re having at the moment, right? Good. Before we get into […]
12 signs to tell you he’s the one – Is he the one to marry?
The thing about the one is more on the energy that both of you make each other radiate when in the presence of one another. It’s not just certain and very specific qualities that he has to fulfill in order for you to label him as the one. There is a mister perfect, indeed. You […]
“Is he cheating on me?” Quiz – Is it paranoia?
Scientists argue whether we’re monogamous beings or not. Most of the statistics show a scary part of the truth: Both men and women cheat, quite a lot. It’s understandable that at some point you get to feel uncertainty, but those come and go. However, once the uncertainty settles in, and you’re constantly wondering and questioning […]