We all love love. As we build relationships, we’re all familiar with the special kind of feeling when we feel loved, wanted, secure, and important.
However, sometimes our partner(s) and we don’t do a good job at making the importance of one another that obvious.
That takes a bit of a turn because one of us or both of us aren’t openly communicating.
He is loved and wanted by you indeed, but how do you make him feel so?
It is a mix of love language bits, the way of displaying affection, the way of verbally expressing your love, and the way of treating him when he is and isn’t around you.
Here are 8 wholesome ways to make him feel loved more than he ever did!
1. Pay attention to him
One of the most thoughtful things to show love to your partner is devoting your attention to them.
Giving him your full attention is one of the crucial things you should do if you want to make a man feel good emotionally, loved, and wanted.
When you devote your attention you automatically give him a clear message: you care for him, to say the least.
Making him feel loved by giving him attention means,
- Listening to him.
Not just hear his words come out of his mouth; listening to him is more than that.
It is a genuine display of care and interest in what he’s saying and expressing.
You can also engage in conversations, ask him questions, show interest in what he’s telling you, and show interest in things he’s interested in.
It is a rarity to have someone who truly cares to listen in the days we’re living in.
What a better way of making him feel loved than a display of your genuine interest in what he has to say!
- Being attentive to him as a presence.
Pay attention to his presence, let him be aware that you’re giving him your attention, and that you care for him by noticing the little details in his behavior.
Look him into his eyes, listen to his stories, touch him, talk to him, and engage in conversations with him.
This way you build a healthy base for communication, you acknowledge his presence with genuinity instead of neglecting it so that you can gain power within the relationship.
It’s a non-verbal way of having him feel appreciated, special, and loved within the relationship with you.
2. Show him affection: verbally and physically
Display of affection is a fundamental tool when it comes to communicating love.
He’ll feel loved and wanted through the affection that you show him.
You can show him affection verbally and physically. Of course, it comes naturally to you as long as you feel a connection with him…
The point is to not hold in the thoughts of admiration and love that you get from being in his presence or from simply looking at him.
Here are a few ways you can show him affection to make him feel loved:
- Tell him how attractive you find him.
Of course, love goes beyond the surface-leveled details, but this part also plays an important role.
Giving him compliments and expressing your admiration for his attractiveness, in general, will give him a sense of how you feel about him which automatically makes him feel valued and admired.
- Tell him how much he means to you.
Again, affection can be expressed verbally and physically. At times we can miss the physical clues, and the verbal expressions give us a more direct response as to whether our partner loves us or not.
Let him know how much he means to you, and remind him of his value to you. This way you’ll give him that direct perspective when it comes to your perception of him.
- Hold and hug him.
What better way of making your partner feel loved than a genuine and warm hug?!
Physical touch is known for its feel-good hormone release in our brains. It relaxes us and it makes us feel a sense of joy and relief.
It’s also a non-verbal way of showing affection, closeness, and compassion.
- Practice his love language.
Knowing your partner’s love language is very important. We all have our ways of expressing love and feeling loved.
If you figure out his love language, you’ll easily know how to make him feel loved.
For example, if he feels more loved by receiving gifts, then practice that love language more, and give him gifts more often.
Quick note: If you don’t know what his love language is, then you can easily figure it out by asking him a few questions from this quiz.
3. Make something special for him
Love is also shown through your willingness to get your partner smiling and jolly.
If you know what he likes and what gives him those positive emotions, then you’ve got just enough information to do something about it!
Surprise him, or simply make him feel special with words, actions, gifts, and time together.
Here are some ideas for you:
- DIY gifts.
These are the types of gifts to take more effort to make, but they’re also more personalized.
You wouldn’t get your back hurting because you’re trying to precisely cut something, or get glue on your hands, or put your carpet at risk of getting color spilled on it unless it is for someone you truly care about, right?
DIY gifts tend to be more meaningful. They’re an awesome way to make him feel awesome and loved!
- Spontaneous texts… send him something flirty.
Sending him something special now and then is a great way to make him feel special.
Something out of the ordinary where you express your love or appreciation for him could work.
It can be a good night text or any text at any time of the day where you simply express your gratitude for his presence in your life.
- Getting him things he likes.
A drink he likes, a shirt of his favorite color, or his favorite snack. It can be anything you know he likes.
Doing this thoughtful gesture is a way of making him feel cared for.
It shows him you pay attention to him, and that you listen. These are fundamental when it comes to love and care!
- Plan a special date with him.
Dates can also be a way of making your favorite person aware that they’re indeed your favorite person.
You can easily make your boyfriend or husband feel loved, special, and cared for by planning a special date.
Plan something that’ll allow you to enjoy yourselves and the time you spend together.
Make sure you’re present in the moment and something that allows you to connect further on as you express yourselves verbally or nonverbally.
4. Be passionate with him
When you love your partner, passion comes along naturally. He will sense it, of course.
Passion is often seen as a flame that comes strong at the beginning of relationships, but as time goes by fades away.
This doesn’t have to necessarily be true.
You can show passion and affection despite the time you’ve spent together as a couple.
Here are ways you can be passionate with him, ways through which he’ll feel wanted and special
- Bring new ways of pleasing him sexually.
Sexual intimacy is an inevitable part of romantic relationships. It is a way to show vulnerability and affection to each other.
The more emotionally connected you are and the more love there is involved between you two the better the sex!
Why not bring something new to please him! He’ll feel special and lucky as he sees your effort and willingness to bring pleasing sensations to his body and mind.
- Kiss him.
Kissing is a gentle and passionate way of getting close and intimate with your partner. It is a sign of love, passion, connection, and affection.
He’ll feel the love surrounding him while you both melt into the pleasure and connection that a single kiss can bring.
- Show him how much you enjoy his presence.
You can tell him or you can show him. Passion isn’t necessarily physical.
You can bring passion in through emotional ways of showing him (through words or action) how much you enjoy, appreciate, and love his presence around you.
5. Respect and consider his needs
He can feel like he’s sacrificing if his needs aren’t being considered and respected.
Different from compromise, sacrifice can often be suffocating for relationships.
An indirect way of making him feel loved and respected is to consider and respect his needs as a person and as a partner as well.
Here are a few examples of how you can do that
- Give him space when he needs it.
We’re individuals before and after we become one with our partners. Giving him space when he needs it will show him that you respect his needs and wants.
It’s a way to make him feel loved and valued instead of owned and disrespected.
We all need space sometimes. We need it to reflect, relax, gather our sense of self back, or simply be on our own for a while. Respect and consider it.
- Don’t be possessive.
I’ve seen and heard a piece of advice that isn’t healthy… advice that can lead to toxic ways of practicing intimacy (emotional or physical), one of those is “be possessive”.
On the contrary, if you’re possessive you’ll cause damage and make him feel disrespected and owned instead of cherished.
- Keep your promises.
We all need someone we know we can count on, someone who’ll stand by their word and keep their promises.
Keeping your promises is yet another way of being respectful and considerate of your partner’s needs.
This way you show him your devotion and make him feel he’s an important part of your life.
Relationships can sometimes be difficult to navigate.
There’s so much that you should be careful of, there’s so much to pay attention to, and you might get lost along the way…
You love your partner but they don’t seem to be feeling so.
Perhaps you’re missing the clues on their love language, perhaps it takes a bit more for them to feel loved.
A relationship hero is closer than it’s ever been before!
6. Be supportive of him
Support is a major part of the ‘make him feel loved’ list. A supportive partner is a partner we all need and want in life.
Support shows him you care for him. It also gives him a sense of importance and value of his presence.
Here are a few supportive behaviors that make him feel loved
- Accept him for who he is.
If you’re in a relationship with him, you’ve already gone through the phases of ‘revaluation’ or ‘judging’ whether he’s a partner you want in your life or not.
Not wanting to change him or what he represents as a person is a good way of supporting him.
Helping him improve instead of pointing out features or habits is a good way to start.
Accepting a person for what they are and how they are is one of the ultimate forms of loving and making them feel loved.
- Let him know how much you believe in his abilities.
This is the part where you support him through your words. This means you’ve got to verbally express your belief of how capable he is.
“I know you and how much you’re capable of. You’ve got this!” is a simple example of how you can do this.
- Be there for him when he needs you.
This might not involve flowers and pink skies, but it’s yet another ultimate way of making a person feel valued and cared for.
Despite the standard, they feel like they have to live up to, men go through rough patches in their lives, they get emotional, they cry, and they need a shoulder to lean on.
Being there when he needs you is an absolutely beautiful way of making him feel the love you’ve got for him.
7. Give him your time
Time is precious, and giving time to him makes him feel precious to you. Today’s life’s dynamic makes it difficult for us to find time for anything.
Giving him your time, and devoting attention to him can be a meaningful gesture that automatically makes him feel appreciated and precious. Here:
- Plan activities with him.
Besides the activities you do on your own, try to participate in something that can be fulfilling for both of you.
This way you spend productive, fun, and exciting time together. You create memories and you share experiences with him.
- Make him aware that he’s an important part of your life.
Seeing him when you’ve got the time, including him in things you love, and introducing him to people you love will make him feel part of your life.
It’s a beautiful feeling to feel like we’re an important part of someone’s life.
You can make him aware of this by giving him your time whenever you can. Make him feel like a choice of joy, not an option.
8. Tell him you love him: getting vulnerable
Finally, a straightforward way of making him feel loved: telling him “I love you.”
You can say those words when he does something nice for you; when he’s just sitting with you doing nothing, when you’re saying goodbye, or when you’re saying good morning.
Look him in the eyes when you do so, and make him aware that you mean what you’re telling him.
As you follow your words with actions you won’t fail to make him feel like an important part of your life, loved, and cherished!
Look at him, listen to him, be passionate, do special things for him, and follow up with the “I love you” statement. Let him know you mean it.
Letting your guard down and trusting him with your vulnerability is yet another beautiful way of making him feel loved.
It is often in the heated moments and when the waters are turbulent that you have a chance to make each other valuable.
As absurd as it may sound, in such moments you both get a chance to connect on a deeper level, and you do that by getting vulnerable and letting your guard down.
Apologizing to him when you’re wrong or when you hurt him plays a huge role in this part. Make a fight right! Apologize.
- Give him a chance to explain when he’s wrong.
This is yet another example of a display of vulnerability. It is also another way of showing him he’s so precious and cherished that he’s getting a chance despite hurting you.
It is an indirect way of giving him the feeling that he’s loved, it goes within depths, and it makes the fundamental statement of your love for him: You’re looking past your ego, you’re willing to forgive him.
Let him know how much he means to you! 10 little things you can do to make him feel special
We’ve gone through 8 ways that make a man feel loved, wanted, and important…
Now it’s time for 10 detailed, wholesome, and little things you can do for your man to make him feel super special!
1. Write love notes for him and put them in random places where he can ‘accidentally’ find them.
2. Cook or order his favorite meal as a surprise after a long, tiring day for him.
3. Give him a massage while playing his favorite music.
4. Get him a gift ‘just because’.
5. Compliment him on his work and looks.
6. Create a detailed list of your favorite features about him, put them nicely together, and give them to him.
7. Pick a time when he’s not doing anything, look him into his eyes, and tell him how and why you love him.
8. Make a special day with breakfast and coffee in bed (get creative with his plate).
9. Book a day at the SPA and drive him there without letting him know where you’re going.
10. Organize a romantic night out: plan everything in detail and include his favorite things in it (e.g. activities, food, place(s), etc).
What makes a man feel loved?
A man, just like a woman, doesn’t need much to feel loved. When you look deep within the surface, it takes one simple act to light up an “I’m loved!” spark.
It is no secret that we all are suckers for such sparks to ignite within us. We’re looking for clues, we’re desperate to find them!
At the end of the day, it can take a simple word, a touch of a hand, or a look in the eye.
He might need a bit more, or he might need a simple, small, silly thing! But generally, we all have some weak spots.
Here, a man feels loved when
1. He has attention;
2. He feels the affection and care of his partner;
3. He senses the passion coming from his partner;
4. His partner is supportive of him;
5. His needs and wants are being considered and respected;
6. He hears “I love you” followed by actions;
7. He receives affection through kisses, gifts, and thoughtful gestures;
8. He realizes he’s an important part of his partner’s life.
What are you waiting for? You know all the ‘secrets’, go give him some love for crying out loud!
I really enjoyed your email, well written, easy to read, great love advice. Thankyou .