He’s really sweet but knows how to get on your nerves because he doesn’t text you every day.
Well, achieving satisfaction in texting is closely related to the similarity of texting patterns two partners show, followed by their attachment styles.
Is he worth your attention if you need strategies to make him text you?
It’s okay that you’re looking to maintain a stable communication channel in which he also needs to put an effort to get to know each other.
That is of high importance within a relationship.
Getting him to text you first and help maintain the contact open is difficult and has an overwhelming sense of emotional load.
You don’t need to overthink anymore, my dear reader!
Here are 14 ways you can make a guy text you every day:
1. End the conversation with a question
To get a guy to text you every day, your conversations need to be engaging and end with a question.
A question will give him the possibility to reinitiate contact.
This will give him an opening for the next day if he’s willing to take it and interested to continue the conversation tomorrow.
Even if he doesn’t text every day, it doesn’t mean that the quality of your relationship is low, and that is backed up by studies!
Keep in mind that just because you like texting, your boyfriend might not feel the same.
Make sure the question is something specific to his interests or your curiosity that he would find interesting, and you’ll be good to go!
Here are a few examples,
- Let me know how your hike tomorrow went!
- Tell me what you think once you watch that movie tomorrow. Will ya?!
2. Take advantage of small talk to get him to text you more
Some guys aren’t fans of small talk, but you can use it as a transition from a social conversation to something more meaningful.
You will be demonstrating what you find acceptable and something that he can do too without risking sounding boring.
Small talk would be a break from the usual deep/interesting conversations you’ve been having and opting for something more normal.
Your boyfriend will be texting you more when he doesn’t feel the pressure to come up with a topic for discussion.
He’s likely to feel safe to just talk about socially unimportant things for a change.
However, the main disadvantage is that it can be very short and end in awkward virtual silence if you don’t know how to transition into a new topic.
3. Give him a good reason to text you first without you texting him
To get a guy to text, you should be giving him enough information that he can use to initiate contact first.
A majority of guys don’t text without having a purpose, so you need to create it for him if he is struggling to do it on his own.
You can end the conversation with some ambiguity or something that you need help with, and that will give him a purpose to text you.
- Let him know about something going on in your life;
- You can share details you’re working on daily;
- Share something interesting that you’ll be doing tomorrow;
If he’s interested, he will text you first afterward and see how your plans went.
Avoid overwhelming him with details, just something specific that will give a guy a purpose to text you without you texting him.
4. Don’t have long conversations over text
Text conversations can get too much quite fast, thus, you should avoid them if you want your boyfriend to text you more.
He might be hesitant to text you first because he knows that you will be turning into a lengthy conversation that he doesn’t feel like having.
So if you want to get him to text you, practice having reasonably short meaningful conversations that don’t lose their excitement because of texting.
Another alternative would be suggesting a call if you notice that texting is holding back the conversation.
By doing this he will also get the green light to call you too.
Short, purposeful, deep text conversations leave room for a bit of curiosity which automatically makes you eager to text more with one another.
5. Keep your texts fun and flirty
You can make a guy text first if your conversations are fun, flirtatious, playful, and interesting.
As that would create a safe environment to be himself with you too.
So you need to crack some jokes here and there and let him see the fun part of you as well.
Incorporate some flirting in your texts that will spice things up and will get him hooked into texting you every day.
According to communication scientists, two similar people will provide a higher degree of flirting, followed by the use of emojis, frequency, length, and timing of these texts.
This concludes that to be able to have great text conversations, having similar texting patterns would influence the quality and longevity of a relationship.
6. You should limit your availability to create the opportunity for him to text you first
If you want a guy to text you first then you shouldn’t be available for him every time he reaches out.
You shouldn’t put your life on pause and wait for his text.
Rather you need to keep yourself busy with your work, hobbies, and passions as that is a healthy approach when starting a relationship.
Moreover, avoid giving him the impression that you have nothing to do, as that can be true for some time but not always.
You should wait for a bit before immediately texting him back unless it is a timely matter and an urgent need for your reply.
However, you shouldn’t take hours or days to get back at him, just enough until you are down with what you were doing.
Taking a long time to answer a guy might push him further away.
7. Make the first move, sometimes
When you want to get a guy to text you first, then be prepared to do the same some of the time. However, avoid making this a habit.
Texting him first always will give him the impression that you’re willing to do all of the work in the relationship, and that you’re fine with this treatment.
You need to show him that you are also investing in the relationship, but not be the only one to put all the investment in the relationship.
A good texting ratio would be 60% of texting to be initiated by the guy, and 40% by the woman since several women seem to be too shy to start a conversation.
To make a guy text you first without texting him, you need to unburden him with the expectation of texting first and demonstrate that you are willing to do it as well.
8. You can ask him to text you tomorrow
You can get a guy to text you by setting up realistic expectations that also match his texting pattern.
Let him know directly what you want and when you would like to talk to him again.
If you’d like to text him tomorrow, before ending the conversation, you can tell him “Talk to you tomorrow”.
On the other hand, if you’d like him to text you the next day, you can say “Hit me up tomorrow and I’ll let you know ;)”.
Nonetheless, if you constantly search for reasons to have him text back, then this relationship might not be as healthy.
Two interested partners would put in the same amount of investment, and let the conversation spark spontaneously.
Looking for strategies to make him text you every day might be a hint that you should redefine your interest and relationship before you continue investing.
9. Maintain a positive attitude
To make him text you more, avoid being dismissive of repetitive stories he might be resharing.
React with the same enthusiasm as you did the first time since he is passionate about it.
This will let him know that you are appreciative of his interests.
Avoid acting bored by his stories and try to keep it engaging with him and add that flare to the conversation that only you can do.
However, that doesn’t mean you have to listen to someone bragging about their achievements and show of self-importance.
Avoid being rude and let him know what you want, that will increase the likelihood of texting you first.
10. Arrange face-to-face meet-ups
You need to be open to a variety of communication channels if you want him to text you without texting him.
Take his offer on hanging out or hint about it to him.
This will get a guy to text you because the connection is more likely to get stronger along with the need for frequent communication.
Also, when you arrange to meet together, he will need to follow up with a confirmation of the details which can lead to a conversation.
Having a date will open up more topics to be explored that then can be transitioned into texting, giving him the purpose to text you back.
11. End the conversation when it has to end
To get a guy to text you every day, you must know when to end a conversation.
You like him a lot, and that is understandable. But you also don’t want to paint yourself as a desperate person that demands attention constantly.
Avoid letting the conversation strain to a point where it creates a shift in mood and energy.
When you notice that the conversation is coming to an end, don’t attempt to retrieve it, end it with a pleasant goodbye and leave some room for tomorrow.
A guy will text you first without texting him when he notices that you don’t mind letting a conversation end when it’s time to.
You can end the conversation by:
- Thanking him for the chat and saying goodbye;
- Let him know that you look forward to meeting him tomorrow;
- Tell him of your plans for tomorrow;
- Make an excuse about your sleeping schedule;
12. Reply within a reasonable time frame
To make a guy text first, you need to be reasonable with your texting frequency as that is also an important factor when he decides to text you.
If he knows that you take hours to text back, he might just give up and start losing interest because it can seem that you already did.
So if you want him to text you without texting him, you shouldn’t purposely withhold a reply since that will negatively affect your connection.
It is rather the content of the texts and conversations which will determine whether he will text or not.
Make sure you keep it interesting, but also, don’t neglect the importance of consistency and timing.
13. Give him space to do his own thing
Avoid blowing a guy’s phone with texts if you want to get him to text you.
Texting him without knowing when enough will make him avoid you even more.
Give him some time to consider his reply and arrange his thoughts into a text.
You’ll be surprised how much some guys overthink their responses just like women do.
Also, to get him to text you first, you avoid putting pressure on him to do something he doesn’t want or finds uncomfortable to do.
14. Be patient
These methods won’t change your situation like a switch. Be patient and trust the process.
The results won’t be instant. You’ll be seeing slow but steady results as you two engage more with one another.
Eventually, you’ll start seeing and knowing more about each other which will automatically lead to both of you sensing connection.
And with connection comes communication. The deeper the connection the more frequent the communication (always, there are exceptions).
What kind of texts should I send to make a guy text every day?
It would be too much to ask to have deep, long, and meaningful conversations over text since it can be tiring and boring.
Doing it from time to time might be okay.
However, you need to jump into a call or go on a date to discuss more significant matters which could be misinterpreted through texting.
But there are some day-to-day questions that can be fun, engaging, and interesting!
Here’s what you should text him if you want him to text you every day:
– Ask him how his day went.
Some texts you can send a guy to make him text every day should be directed towards everyday mundane things, such as his job and the day.
You can use that to transition into a more meaningful conversation, and also, you demonstrate to him that he can do the same.
Here are a few examples,
- What’s an update that I shouldn’t miss from your day?
- What made you think “I want to go home” today?
- Is there something that made your day today?
These questions initiate small talk but aren’t as boring as the “What’s up?” questions that he might have been hearing a lot during the day.
– Ask about his interests/passions.
Another way of showing him you interest in him and his life is by asking him about his interests and passions.
To get a guy to text, asking about his passions and interests will open opportunities to get to know each other better, and also, for him to ask you questions back.
The polite thing to do when someone shows interest is to reciprocate.
Here are a few things you could ask him depending on his interests,
- How is your plan for the hike going?
- What makes you go back to being an enthusiastic child?
- What’s a game I shouldn’t miss?
– Ask him about his favorite songs/films.
Discussing fun and light topics will create a fun atmosphere that he might find comfort in and wouldn’t mind revisiting.
If you like something you keep going to it, and the same would be applied to your text conversations.
If he enjoys them he’ll text you more about them. Here are a few helpful questions,
- What are your criteria that classify a good movie?
- How would you retitle your current favorite song?
- Tell me what music have you been obsessing over today!
– Share memes/videos.
Sometimes there is no need to say anything, just send him a meme or a video followed by a text “reminded me of you”.
Continue sharing things that would make the other laugh because once it becomes a habit, both of you will be texting each other without much thought.
Making a guy text you every day isn’t the right approach to keeping an open communication line that can be visited every day.
Dating can be puzzling and it can put you in positions you don’t consider favorable.
Despite that, there’s always someone you can reach out to!
You can make a guy text you every day and keep the contact open by being your authentic self, having realistic expectations, and not emphasizing frequency as a tool to measure the quality of your relationship.
You’ve got this!
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