Making a guy jealous isn’t always about mind games and tricks.
It’s all about pushing naturally some buttons to add some flavor to your relationship.
A healthy dose of jealousy helps in keeping the spark alive and sorting your feelings out.
If you want to know how to make him jealous: first, should know what he feels about you. Add to it the impact of his last relationship.
Be confident and embrace your true self. Use subtle ways to make him jealous and grab his attention.
The most important thing is to avoid using wicked techniques because that’ll only backfire on you.
Does jealousy work to get guys? How should I do it?
Yes, using a little bit of jealousy will work to get a guy’s attention and reflect on his feelings.
That will work if you use the needed tactics to kindle the spark in your relationship.
Yet, you should know that these tactics won’t help in solving your relationship issues.
It will work to keep his attention for a while but won’t be a permanent solution.
~ for jealousy to work you need to not manipulate his emotions.
~ You should make him jealous to that amount to be all flirty and slight.
~ You should use it to improve your communication and make your relationship better.
Hence, there are some specific occasions when that won’t work:
- The guy doesn’t have feelings for you;
- He’s very confident and has high self-esteem;
- He was a part of a toxic relationship and experienced toxic jealousy.
Here are 12 tactics on how to make a guy jealous:
1. Be confident and work on yourself
Confidence and self-love will be the bait that triggers his jealousy.
Once you’re confident, you’ll create positive energy. This positive energy will be transmitted to others around you.
He’ll be aware that others are appreciating you and that you’re valuable.
This will make him jealous.
Now, he’ll want to mark his territory. He’ll want to spend more time with you.
Be passionate, committed to yourself, and have a purpose in your life.
Note: Use this tactic to make him jealous enough, just to evoke his feelings.
You should not allow him to use it as an excuse to keep you around.
2. Don’t be always at his disposal
Being always there for him, won’t allow him to miss or value you.
He won’t get “jealous” if he knows that you’ll always be around and never say no.
You need to take a step back but not pull away.
If a man or a woman pulls away in a relationship then that will create confusion.
What we suggest is to take a step back. You create your own pace and draw boundaries. You don’t ignore or ghost him.
The dose of jealousy that you create is a form of scarcity.
You give him the space to reflect on your short-term absence.
3. Be that mysterious woman (don’t overshare)
Simplicity and mystery is the key to making your man jealous.
A man needs a little jealousy and uncertainty to maintain his attraction to you.
It’s a healthy dose of jealousy that is created because of suspense.
Try to keep your conversations long enough to arouse curiosity but not overshare much.
This is more applicable if you want to make your date jealous.
You should keep things short and simple.
Beware, I am not suggesting to not be vulnerable or close enough with your partner, husband, or your date.
You can share things and be close, yet create some vagueness to make him jealous. This will keep him interested.
4. Make jokes with other guys
Everything that you do comes from your intent.
If you want to make him jealous, do it with good intent. Don’t instill into him greed, anxiety, or any other negative feeling.
Joking slightly around with other guys is a subtle way to make your boyfriend or husband jealous.
You should make a joke as you do with your other friends.
You should avoid the flirting part because that will make him feel insecure and rejected.
If you joke with them and socialize then he’ll understand that he lost a bit of your attention.
5. Keep developing your hobbies/interests
How to make a guy jealous without losing him? This is the one tactic that will help you.
If you keep developing your skills, you create a stronger, independent, and new you.
Let’s say that you’ll trigger his jealousy by being an outrageous woman.
You can do it by keeping a balance in your life. You hang out with your friends and develop yourself more.
You attract him and make him jealous indirectly.
He is jealous not because he feels unappreciated or rejected. He is jealous because he wants to spend more time with you, be with you.
6. Don’t give him the exclusivity
A man is a creature that likes to pursue and win.
Yet, there are times that a guy wants to have the exclusivity of the relationship without dating you exclusively.
If you refuse to give your crush/date this opportunity then you’ll make him jealous.
You’re making a guy jealous by making independent decisions. He’ll get more eager to know you and even adjust to your life pattern.
7. Change your love habit
If you want to make your husband or boyfriend jealous and crazy about you then change your loving pattern.
Disruption and breaking expectations create a fit of slight jealousy and attract his attention.
By this I mean, try not to take the first step in your relationship if you did it before.
This will slightly trigger him and catch his attention. He’ll get “jealous” why you’re not behaving the same as before.
Keep in mind that most men won’t take it as a hint to change.
8. Mention slightly your celebrity crush
In general, men are very competitive. Men try to protect their territory, no matter what.
The moment you mention someone else then that will trigger his feelings about you.
Yet, you need to know how to do this properly. Don’t exaggerate it or overdo it.
You need to tease him a little just to bring out that male instinct.
This is more appropriate if you want to make your boyfriend or your crush jealous.
Pretty much in marriage, you’ll get to know your partner more and this tactic won’t have such an impact.
This isn’t something that will hurt him or make things go wrong. It will suddenly grab his attention.
9. Treat him the same as others
If you want to make a man jealous and want you more then stop giving him that special attention.
If you think that he’s the one for you then you suddenly will give him special attention and love.
To make him jealous, you can decrease the level of that type of attention.
You won’t make him feel inferior if you behave normally as you do with others.
Be close to him and vulnerable but don’t get all clingy.
10. Create the aura of being a ‘desirable’ person
Once you are the one in the spotlight, you’ll intrigue him.
If you get others’ attention with your confidence and personality, you’ll get your man jealous.
Once you’re desirable for others then he wants what the others want.
He wants something because the other guys want that too.
I am not implying to shade him or not let him show himself and make him feel bad about himself.
This way, you’ll reflect your personality and values. Yet, if a guy is overconfident, he won’t care about it.
11. Praise your male best friend
Well, this tactic is ambiguous and complex at the same time.
It all depends on what type of intention you want to use it.
You can mention a trait of your best friend that you appreciate.
You might mention it because you don’t have that trait and you praise him for that.
This will tease him a little bit and it’s very subtle. You’re not comparing your bestie with him, but with you.
12. Test his limits …. (love skills)
Use slight jokes or pranks to make him jealous. Drop a firecracker!
Having a clear record of past relationships will be a bonus here. Let me tell you why.
You can test his patience and know what he feels about you by giving a fake example.
To make him jealous you might say: Yeah, I liked swimming on our honeymoon with Tim on this island.”
Shortly, after a few seconds, you can tell him that’s a joke.
You will use this subtle technique just to trigger him a bit.
How to make your boyfriend or husband jealous and want you more?
You can make your boyfriend or husband jealous and want you more by taking a step back.
Making your boyfriend or husband jealous and wanting you more is a dangerous game.
This requires stronger techniques that can lead you to confusion and you would end up being hurt.
If he isn’t interested in a relationship with you anymore then it’s better to not try and make him jealous.
That will only leave you hurt and experience mixed feelings.
Here are 5 ways to make him jealous and want you more:
~ Be outstanding and try to seek compliments from other people.
~ Don’t answer his calls immediately or return his texts.
~ Be more independent and hang out with others.
~ Try to hang out with him more on your schedule.
~ Be more active on social media.
Be careful to not take these tips as a source of ignoring your partner to grab his attention.
These are more like suggestions to draw your boundaries and ignite your relationship.
You can make him jealous and want you more by working on yourself and leaving him alone to reflect.
How to make him jealous over text?
Texting can be a hard and complex communication tool.
If you want to know to make a guy jealous over the text you need to know some slight tricks.
These tricks won’t harm him or you.
These techniques will only spice up the game and attract him more.
1. Mention slightly with whom you’re going to hang out.
If you’re going out or having a trip, mention your male coworkers or any other male friend.
That is enough to catch his eye. Yet, don’t overdo it to mention any other information about them.
This will only lead your date or partner to confusion and lose faith in you.
You might text something like: “Yes, this trip will be great. We’re all together: Me, Leslie, Mark, Emily, and Joe.”
2. Keep being mysterious about your plans or what you’re doing.
Mystery creates jealousy and curiosity at the same time.
If your date asks you to hang out then you can text:
- “ I would like but I have some other plans”
If your boyfriend asks what you’re doing tonight, you can say this to make him jealous:
- “ Well, it’s a secret, lol.”
3. Crack a joke and tease him.
Cracking a slight joke will spice up your relationship, whether he’s your boyfriend or husband.
You can text something a photo and this line:
“ Hey Mike, this guy on the bus offered to take me to a date tonight. Circle: Yes or No. What do you say (insert a funny emoji).”
4. Keep him updated.
You might ask and say how can I make him jealous through a text by keeping him updated?
By keeping him updated I mean text him when any other male compliments you.
This way you’ll make him jealous but won’t make him feel bad about himself.
You can text something like:
“ Well, all is good. And I got labeled as courageous and funny by Henry today.”
How do you know that a guy is jealous?
Well, you’ll know it according to his body language and the way he reacts to you.
Sometimes, it’s easy to spot a jealous guy, and at other times it’s pretty difficult.
Here are a few signs to check when a guy is jealous:
~ He’s suddenly angry or has sudden tantrums;
~ He would text you: “Go and have fun with them”. He would text this if you cancel plans to hang out with your friends.
~ He’s not happy or pleased when other guys are around you;
~ He shows off and wants to convince you that he’s the best or the one;
~ He won’t reply when you ask what’s wrong;
~ He’s interested in your life: like A LOT!
~ He flirts with other women, only when you’re looking;
~ If you’re dining and you talk to another male, he wants you two to leave immediately;
~ He plays hard to get and wants you to chase him;
Note: Keep an eye on these signs! If these signs are constant and impact you negatively, then you’re a part of a toxic relationship.
Let’s get the gist: How to get a guy jealous?
You can make him jealous when you tease him a little bit without impacting him negatively.
You can do it by creating the best version of yourself, by creating boundaries, and by shifting your attention.
This way you’ll intrigue him to get to know you more or value you more.
Use any tactic according to your situation. Try not to be stuck in this process. Be open to love and don’t restrain it!
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