I had a close friend is so obsessed with the meaning behind conversations she’d have with a guy.
He would message her every single day, yet, her head was still spinning when she took her time to think of his intentions.
She ended up finding out later on. But she could’ve figured this out way ahead if she’d just taken a look at a couple of things in front of her face!
If he texts you every day, it could mean a lot of things depending on the content of the texts he’s sending you every day.
Here’s what it means if a guy texts you every day:
1. He likes you.
Usually, men invest time in people they’re interested in and close with. If he texts you every day then he probably likes you.
In today’s dating world, expressing your interest, care, and affection through text has become a norm.
He’s texting you every day and you’ll know it’s because he likes you if he
- sends you texts containing emotionally rich statements. In other words, his texts aren’t just bland texts with no investment in them;
- doesn’t text you for sexting only;
- shares personal stories, viewpoints, and perspectives with you;
- asks questions about you, your opinions, and your viewpoints;
2. He’s just being a good friend.
This could be the guy that texts you every day but doesn’t flirt.
You can come to the conclusion that he texts you every day because he’s just being a good friend if
- the content of his texts isn’t much related to his emotions;
- he tells you about other people in his life, and asks you about men in your life;
- you’ve known him a long time, in only friendly manners;
3. He’s in for comfort or a rebound.
Yes, a guy would text you every day if he wasn’t interested, and this is one of those scenarios to depict it.
You might talk every day but might not be dating.
When getting out of a relationship, the wounds are fresh and the need for comfort tends to be more of an urge.
If he’s the guy who’s just gotten out of a relationship, then he’s most probably texting you every day because he’s seeking comfort.
It is not wrong to do so. But, it may take time for him to heal and see the actual you in front of him.
You’ll know he’s texting you every day to get comforted you if he
- mentions his ex a lot;
- doesn’t seem to notice you or your personality traits;
- doesn’t ask you questions about yourself;
- seems hurt or regretful about a past relationship;
4. He’s the type to text people every day.
There are people that just love texting. They’re open to everyone and would text anyone about the smallest things.
Doesn’t matter when you met, if he’s that type, he’ll text you every day for no particular reason. You’ll know he’s that guy if he
- he texts other people a lot too;
- shares the same things with others as he does with you;
- doesn’t give you any cues that he’s romantically interested in you;
In this case, he can like you, your company, or he’s just friend material.
You get that talkative friend that loves sharing details with you. Or the potential boyfriend that texts almost everyone just as much as he texts you.
5. He wants to know you better.
Another one of the common reasons why he texts you every day is that he wants to know you better.
He could be romantically interested but want to take things easy, so he takes slow but secure steps by texting you every day to get to know you better.
You can know this is the case with you if he
- asks you questions about yourself;
- tells you stories of himself;
- doesn’t come on too strong with romantic claims or statements;
It’s the early stages of dating, of course, he’ll text you every day to know more about you!
6. You’re fun to text with.
This could be a male coworker that texts you every day, a good friend or a romantic interest.
However, despite your connection with him, one of the main reasons why a person would text you every day is because you’re fun to talk to!
The conversations with you could be fun, interesting, and intriguing, hence he keeps in touch with you every day.
- This could be so especially if you’re coworkers;
- He could simply enjoy your company and doesn’t have any intention other than platonic.
7. He has too much time on his hands.
When a guy texts you every day, it could mean a lot of positive things. Well, mostly positive things.
However, we’ve come to a part where the not-so-good things are considered.
When he texts you every day, it could simply mean that he has too much time on his hands and doesn’t really know how to spend it.
This type of guy is likely to have a list of people he texts every day just so that he can pass the time off another day. You’ll know this is your guy if he
- doesn’t put much effort into his texts;
- seems to not mind the topics you discuss;
8. He’s playing games.
If you’re thinking that a player wouldn’t text you every day, then you’re wrong.
A player can text you every day, and it can even make his game stronger.
Depending on the way he plays people he can go for long periods of every day texting to ghosting for a while and repeating this all over again.
It’s just how players text!
You’ll know he’s trying to play games by texting you every day if
- you sense he’s insensitive to your feelings and needs;
- he doesn’t pay attention to the things you tell him;
- he forces the text conversations into sexting all the time;
9. He cares about you.
A guy that texts you every day is likely to be a guy who cares about you. It can be a familial, collegial, platonic, or romantic connection.
Either way, texting you every day could be his way of checking up on you, seeing what’s new, and seeing if everything is going well in your life.
This doesn’t necessarily mean he’s romantically interested in you. He could simply have a sense of care toward you and your feelings.
10. He could be interested in one of your friends.
Yes, he can do that. And I find it offending, but that’s no coincidence, right? Men and insults often go as a combo set.
You can notice he’s texting you every day to get with your friend if he asks you very often about a friend of yours.
He can play the game so very well, and do all the emotional “How are you”-s, the caring and all that. But I don’t want you to fall for that.
- Next time he asks you, simply tell him: what’s up with all these questions about my friend?
- If he’s interested in your friend, his focus isn’t on you, hence he won’t get to see your amazing features and personality.
11. He could be interested in learning something you’re very good at.
This is the guy to talk to you every day but that doesn’t flirt, ever.
Perhaps you’ve met through mutual friends, at work, or doing a certain activity.
It is a little difficult to comprehend, but he could text you every day because he’s genuinely interested in your skills and wants to learn more from you.
You can notice this if
- all you talk about is work or that particular activity;
- he doesn’t seem to be much interested in you as a person;
- he seems highly interested in your skills rather than your personality;
12. He likes how texting you affects his ego.
A man that’s insecure and has low self-esteem is likely to text you every day if that does good things to his ego.
If he’s the attention lover, he most probably got a list of women he texts every day to get external affirmation.
You’re amazing and to him, it is flattering when you reply back to him. So his ego goes wild and he loves it! You can notice if this is the case if he
- doesn’t share personal information or problems;
- doesn’t ask much about you;
- doesn’t call, nor ask you out;
You can know the meaning of his every-day-texting by the content of his texts!
You talk every day with this guy, right? Well, what that means depends a lot on the things you talk about and the timing of the day he texts you.
Here are some helpful insights to help you figure out what it means when he texts you every day:
- If he texts you in the mornings it means he’s starting the day with you in his mind. He’s thinking of you.
- If he texts you at midday it shows he cares when he thinks of you when he’s doing nothing, but it is another level of care when he’s got all these things going on and you’re part of the important ones he thinks of.
- If he texts you at night he’s probably thinking of you after his day is over. However, this one depends a lot on the content of the texts he sends you during this time.
He could only be into sexting if you notice him constantly sending you texts with such content, which is also fine if you’re into that too. - If he texts you all day long he could either be obsessed with you, or very interested in you.
He’s in a relationship and texts me every day. Is there something I can do about it?
If he’s in a relationship but texts you every day, then you’ve got to take a look at the content of the texts he sends you.
He might have a wife, or a partner, and text you for various reasons.
One of the most common reasons why married men or just men in relationships text other women every day is they want another partner.
That brings us to another question…
What should you do if you don’t feel comfortable with him texting you every day?
Your way of responding to his texts has a huge role in this part too. If you respond in a welcoming way, he’ll send you more texts.
If you don’t want him to text you anymore, tell him.
Be straight and forward and show determination in your statements. Here’s an example:
- “I appreciate that you check up on me, and I value you as a person. However, I don’t feel comfortable texting you every day. Would really appreciate it if you respect my request to not text me this often anymore.”
At the end of the day, it is your decision, and it can be difficult to take the courage to tell him but this is the best way to handle it!
Questions you asked so much about texting!
1. How often should a guy text and call if he likes you?
There’s no one-fits-all rule that tells you how often a guy should text or call if he likes you.
However, guys in general tend to text and call quite often when they like someone.
Dating/relationship coaches for men and women advise them in certain ways that don’t really match with the pragmatic, real world.
Real experts know that we are more complicated than just “play it cool, they’ll notice.”
It comes naturally, when they like you they text you pretty often, and they even call you.
2. How often should I text him?
You should text him as often as you feel like texting him as long as he’s interested too, and you’re not intruding on anything.
Whether you’re a boy or a girl, it doesn’t matter. Text him whenever. Life is short, and to be honest, if you feel like telling him something, you should.
3. How often should you text a guy you just started dating?
That entirely depends on your connection, how you respond to his texts, and the type of person he is. There is no should or must.
These things should flow naturally, as long as both of you feel the connection, and see potential in each other to be together, then things will flow naturally.
You can help the flow a little. But do not overdo it. It is good to show signs that you’re interested, but you might seem clingy if you text him way too much!
4. How do I make him call me instead of texting?
You make him call instead of texting by telling him you like to be called rather than texted by him.
Let him know you’d like to talk to him, or that you don’t like texting as much.
In an episode of Ask Steve, this beautiful girl asked the same question “How do I make him call me instead of texting?”, he answered, “Don’t reply to his texts[…]”.
It can be a comedy, but it feels like he’s wanting us to get married as many times as he did!
Instead of giving mixed signals and ignoring his texts (which can lead to him pulling away from you), it would be best to communicate.
Clear communication leads to clear understanding, and that is one of the fundamental things a relationship should be built on.
Me and my friend used to talk all the time now she wants me to text her.