What you feel after the breakup is such a mystery. On the other hand, trying to decode your ex’s behavior is even harder. Dumping someone can be hard and even experiencing being dumped is even harder. The dumper and the dumpee are aware of the damage that the breakup causes. Hence, the difference is the […]
What to say before No Contact? 10 tips to navigate you throughout this process
The breakup can be fatal and leave you heartbroken and puzzled. Hence, what might keep bothering you is whether you need to let your ex know that you are going to use the No Contact Rule. Yes, there are some specific cases when you can let your ex know about it. If you want to […]
How to talk to an ex after No Contact? 12 tips on how to start a conversation after NC
Talking to an ex after No Contact can be quite challenging and time/self-consuming. What’s essential before starting the conversation is creating a healthy mindset. While distancing yourself from your ex, you should nourish yourself. Once, you are healed, you will know what you want and why you want to contact your ex. Are you contacting […]
He’s friends with his ex, is it okay? Here’s what you should be looking out for!
We fear infidelity. We try to avoid being wounded by its cruel and unforgiving consequences. It’s a wound that takes time, tears, and therapy to heal. Despite our fears, we keep on loving and being vulnerable with our partners. We put our hearts on the table taking the risk to be tormentingly wounded. A partner’s […]
Fearful-avoidant dumper: Understanding their psychology and healing
Being dumped by a fearful-avoidant feels like being a part of a roller coaster. When a fearful-avoidant feels that your relationship is progressing, they will take a step back. Their inability to embrace themselves and the fear of adjusting to loving makes them dump you. High anxiety and negative self-conception draw them back into their […]
What to text your ex-boyfriend when you miss him? 35+ unique texts to trigger him
Dealing with an ex isn’t that easy especially if you have feelings for him and you miss him. The human brain can play a lot of tricks and make you miss your ex without any particular reason. Before hitting the send button you ask yourself if you should tell him that you miss him. Well, […]